#generator-github-create Yeoman generator for github authentication, create repository, README Badges, local git initialization, and local commit and push.
$ npm install -g generator-github-create
- Multiple Github Accounts
- Token Authentication
- 2 Factor authentication (not tested. Create an issue if it doesn't work)
- Organization Support
- Create remote repository
- Initialize local git
- Commit and push generated project to created repository
- Create README.md
- Create Badges on README.md
Composability is a way to combine smaller parts to make one large thing. Sort of [like Voltron®][voltron]
— Yeoman docs You can use the following methods to composeWith
#Sub Generators
- yo github-create:authentication - Authenticate to github
- yo github-create:create - the list user orgs, create github repository, initialize git, push initial commit.
- yo github-create:readme - create readme / add badges
#Usage To find usage you can run --help on the subgenerators
yo github-create:authenticate --help
#Example Checkout the these generators to see how they all work together.