This is a T3 Stack project bootstrapped with create-t3-app
Welcome to the Modern Gallery project, a production-grade application built with the latest web technologies.
While the concept of a gallery may seem familiar, what sets the Modern Gallery apart is its use of the latest modern technologies. From seamless user authentication, error management to real-time analytics and beyond, every aspect of this application is optimized for performance, security, and scalability, making it a example of modern web development.
- Next.js 14 App Router
- Tailwind CSS + ShadcnUI
- Vercel PostgreSQL Database
- Drizzle ORM
- Clerk Authentication
- Uploadthing for Image Uploads
- Sentry for Error Management: monitoring and managing errors effectively with Sentry
- Parallel Routes for Modals
- Posthog for Analytics: gaining insights into user behavior and engagement with Posthog analytics, enabling data-driven decision-making.
- RSCs + Next.js Server Actions + server-only
- Upstash for Rate-limiting