An application to show the opening status of the bytespeicher in the system tray icon.
- Qt 5.7.1 on Windows 10
- Qt 5.5.1 on Linux Mint
- Qt 5.9.0 on Linux Mint
- Qt 5.9.1 on Linux Mint
- Qt >= 4.2 (
- A C++ build system (GCC/GNU make or MS Visual C++ Express will do)
Compiling: qmake && make or, if you are using MS Visual C++: qmake && nmake
By default, a notification is shown when the opening status changes. If you do not want that, you can start the program with the --silent or -s option.
Windows compatibility has not yet been tested by me, though some users report that it works too.
Versioning Scheme: The version number is calculated by the formula 1-1/(2^n), where n is incremented with each release. This way, the version number approaches 1 as n approaches infinity.