was designed to solve the contradiction between error reporting and Sidekiq's raise-based retry mechanism. For many jobs, failing once or twice before succeeding is not only acceptable, it's common. This increases noise in error reporting services and logs.
When a raised error matches your criteria, SidekiqRemappableErrors
will remap the error class to your predefined class which can easily be handled separately in your monitoring systems.
Define a job that will remap one error only on the first job failure.
class ExampleError < StandardError; end
class ExampleJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
include SidekiqRemappableErrors
remappable_errors_options max_remaps: 1
remappable_errors [
[ ExampleError, /test message/ ]
def perform
with_remappable_errors do
raise ExampleError, 'test message'
Inspect logs to see remapping behavior
> ExampleJob.perform_async
# first failure
SidekiqRemappedError::RemappedError: #<ExampleError: test message>
# second failure
ExampleError: test message
Add to your Gemfile
gem 'sidekiq_remappable_errors'
Add the middleware
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.server_middleware do |chain|
chain.add SidekiqRemappableErrors::SidekiqMiddleware
Optional: Define your configuration. If using Rails, this could be done as an initializer.
# config/initializers/sidekiq_remappable_errors.rb
SidekiqRemappableErrors.configure do |config|
config.remapped_error_class = MyRemappedError
max_remaps: maximum number of raises/retries you want the error to be remapped. After this count is exceeded the original error will be raised.
remappable_errors_options max_remaps: 1