This component can simulate vertical and horizontal scrolling to a Phaser.Group.
This component is directly derived from jdnichollsc's amazing work on his plugin, Kinetic Scrolling Plugin. I converted it to use groups instead of moving the camera, added support for multiple scrollers, and some bug fixes.
Install using npm:
npm install --save
this.scroller = game.add.existing(new ScrollableArea(x, y, w, h, params));
var textStyle = {font:"30px Arial", fill:"#ffff00"};
for (var i=0;i<10;i++) {
for (var j=0;j<80;j++) {
var text = game.make.text(i*330, j*30, "Yes, everything scrolls", textStyle);
- x - the x position of the scrollable container
- y - the y position of the scrollable container
- w - the width of the scrollable container. If the width of the children inside is larger than this, a horizontal scrolling will be possible.
- h - the height of the scrollable container. If the height of the children inside is larger than this, a vertical scrolling will be possible.
- params - configurable parameters for the component:
- horizontalScroll - allow horizontal scroll. Default is true.
- verticalScroll - allow vertical scroll. Default is true.
- horizontalWheel - allow horizontal wheel support. Default is true. Should not be enabled along with verticalWheel.
- verticalWheel - allow vertical wheel support. Default is false. Should not be enabled along with horizontalWheel.
- kineticMovement - use kinetic scrolling. Default is true. Use false to switch to static scrolling (scrolling stops as you leave the touch).
- timeConstantScroll - The rate of deceleration for the scrolling. Default is 325ms.
- deltaWheel - Delta increment of the mouse wheel.
- start - start the scroller behavior.
- stop - stops the scroller behavior. this does not reset the content position.
- setPosition - object (x,y) - repositions the scroller.
- scrollTo - object (x,y,time,easing,allowScrollStopOnTouch) - scrolls the scroller to the position given.
- time - defaults to 1000
- easing - defaults to Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.Out
- allowScrollStopOnTouch - choose whether to allow the user to cancel the scrolling animation when clicking on the scroller. Defaults to false, useful to cutscenes.