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v5.0.0-beta.0 – Chocolate Sushi

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@gnidan gnidan released this 21 Aug 19:21

Good day! We're pleased to announce the first beta release of Truffle v5. With this release, we're excited to bring you some new features and improvements that will make your life easier.

What's included, you ask? Well, get ready to use whatever Solidity version you want (Truffle will even automatically download it for you.) Or how about an improved migrations system, which dry-runs by default and provides lots of information to understand what is going right or wrong. Maybe you've been waiting for Web3.js 1.0. Perhaps you're sick of typing .then() and want to use await in the console. Truffle v5 has all of this, and more!

If you're as excited as we are and can't wait, here's how to upgrade:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle@beta

Or keep reading for more information!

Release Contents

Bring your own compiler

It's now possible to have Truffle compile with:

  • any solc-js version listed at solc-bin. Specify the one you want and Truffle will get it for you.
  • a natively compiled solc binary (you'll need to install this yourself, links to help below).
  • dockerized solc from one of images published here. (You'll also need to pull down the docker image yourself but it's really easy.)

List available versions at the command line

$ truffle compile --list                   # Recent stable releases from solc-bin (JS)
$ truffle compile --list prereleases       # Recent prereleases from solc-bin (JS)
$ truffle compile --list docker            # Recent docker tags from
$ truffle compile --list releases --all    # Complete list of stable releases.

Specify a solcjs version

Set the compilers solc version key to the one you'd like. Truffle will fetch it from the solc-bin server and cache it in your local evironment.

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    ... etc ...
  compilers: {
     solc: {
       version: <string>  // ex:  "0.4.20". (Default: Truffle's installed solc)


  • docker
  • native binary
  • path/to/solc
  • solc settings

Docker images should be installed locally by running:

$ docker pull ethereum/solc:0.4.22  // Example image


// Native binary
compilers: {
  solc: {
    version: "native"

// Docker
compilers: {
  solc: {
    version: "0.4.22",   // Any published image name
    docker: true

// Relative or absolute path to an npm installed solc-js
compilers: {
  solc: {
    version: "/Users/axic/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/solc"

// Optimization and EVM version settings
compilers: {
  solc: {
    optimizer: {
      enabled: true, // Default: false
      runs: 1000     // Default: 200
    settings: {
      evmVersion: "homestead"  // Default: "byzantium"

Speed comparison

Docker and native binary compilers process large contract sets faster than solcjs. If you're just compiling a few contracts at a time, the speedup isn't significant relative to the overhead of running a command (see below). The first time Truffle uses a docker version there's a small delay as it caches the solc version string and a solcjs companion compiler. All subsequent runs should be at full speed.

Times to truffle compile on a MacBook Air 1.8GHz, Node 8.11.1

Project # files solcjs docker bin
truffle/metacoin-box 3 4.4s 4.4s 4.7s
gnosis/pm-contracts 34 21.7s 10.9s 10.2s
zeppelin-solidity 107 36.7s 11.7s 11.1s

For help installing a natively built compiler, see the Solidity docs here.

Contract Profiling

Truffle has always tried figure out which contracts changed recently and compile the smallest set necessary (with varying degrees of success). It now does this reliably so you may benefit from setting up an npm convenience script that looks like this:

"test": "truffle compile && truffle test"

Many thanks to the Solidity team for making all of the above possible and for their helpful advice over the last year. 🙌 🙌

🐇 🐇 Web3.js 1.0 🐇 🐇

truffle-contract now uses Web3.js 1.0 under the hood. It's nice! The error handling (especially the parameter checking) is really good. And there's lots of new work happening over there - ENS support is being added and EthPrize is funding an API to make contract packages published to EthPM easily available as well.

We've tried to minimize the inconvenience involved in transitioning an existing test suite from Web3 0.x to 1.0. Unfortunately there are some breaking changes due to differences in the way Web3 1.0 formats outputs (see chart below).

The biggest of these is that truffle-contract now returns numbers as BN by default instead of BigNumber. This is necessary - BigNumber doesn't have the precision required by the EVM. The number libraries share some methods (notably .toNumber()) but their arithmetic operations are quite different.

Important: If you receive a number directly from Web3 (e.g. not from a truffle-contract instance) you'll get a string. Luckily there's a helpful BN conversion method in the Web3 utils.

const stringBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance('0xabc..');
const bnBalance = web3.utils.toBN(stringBalance);

Helpful Resources

  • Web3 1.0's documentation. Well worth taking a look - lots of differences in their new API.
  • EthWork's bn-chai library: BN helpers for your tests. (💡 ProTip courtesy @elenadimitrova)

⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️

Category v4 (Web3 0.0) v5 (Web3 1.0)
addresses (return value) lower-case check-summed (mixed-case)
numbers (return value) BigNumber BN (configurable)
tuples (return value) Array Object w/ named & indexed keys
bytes (input param) Ascii string Convert string to hex with web3.utils.asciiToHex
.contract (underlying Web3 abstraction) same as now completely different
.at (TruffleContract method) sync / then-able async

🍨 Features 🍨

Methods / .new have an EventEmitter interface and return a promise.

const example = await artifacts.require("Example").deployed();

  .on('transactionHash', hash => {} )
  .on('receipt', receipt => {})
  .on('error', error => {})
  .on('confirmation', (num, receipt) => {} )
  .then( receipt => {} )

Events have an EventEmitter interface

  .on('data', event => ... etc ... )

  .once('data', event => ... etc ... )

Revert with reason strings!! Find out the reason.

At the moment this feature is only supported by the ganache-cli client (>= 6.1.3). Parity and Geth are still working out their implementations.


require(msg.sender == owner, 'not authorized');


try {
  await example.transferToSelf({from: nonOwner})
} catch (err) {
  assert(err.reason === 'not authorized');
  assert(err.message.includes('not authorized');

Overloaded Solidity methods (credit to @rudolfix and @mcdee)


Configure number return format

As mentioned above - truffle-contract now returns BN. We've made this configurable so if you have an existing test suite you'd prefer to gradually transition from BigNumber to BN, it's possible to configure a contract's number format as below.

// Choices are:  `["BigNumber", "BN", "String"].
const Example = artifacts.require('Example');
Example.numberFormat = 'BigNumber';

Call methods at any block using the defaultBlock parameter.

const oldBlock = 777;
const valueInThePast = await example.getBalance("0xabc..545", oldBlock);

Automated fueling for method calls and deployments.

Example.autoGas = true;   // Defaults to true
Example.gasMultiplier(1.5) // Defaults to 1.25
const instance = await;
await instance.callExpensiveMethod();

Contract deployments & transactions allowed to take as long as they take

Example.timeoutBlocks = 10000;
const example = await;
// Later....
await example.setValue(5)

Gas estimation for .new

const deploymentCost = await;


To take advantage of the confirmations listener and to hear Events using .on or .once, you'll need to enable websockets in your network config as below.

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 8545,
      network_id: "*",
      websockets: true

🐦 🐦 New Migrations 🐦 🐦

Deploying contracts to public networks is hard ... 🙂 The topic dominates our 10 most visited GitHub issues. On the bright side, those discussion threads are a rich trove of advice and brilliant insight from experienced Truffle users. V5 includes a rewrite of the migrations command that tries to integrate all their hard won knowledge into an easier to use deployment manager.


  • Improved error messaging. If Truffle can guess why a deployment failed it tells you and suggests some possible solutions.
  • More information about what's going on as you deploy, including cost summaries and real-time status updates about how long transactions have been pending. (See GIF below)
  • Improved dry run deployment simulations. This feature has had it's kinks worked out and now runs automatically if you're deploying to a known public network. You can also use the --interactive flag at the command line to get a prompt between your dry run and real deployment.
  • Configure the number of block confirmations to wait between deployments. This is helpful when deploying to Infura because their load balancer sometimes executes back-to-back transactions out of sequence and noncing can go awry.
  • Specify how many blocks to wait before timing out a pending deployment. Web3 hardcodes this value at 50 blocks which can be a problem if you're trying to deploy large contracts at the lower end of the gas price range.
  • A deployer interface that works seamlessly with ES6 async/await syntax. (Also backward compatible with Truffle V4's then-able pattern.)

⚠️ Important ⚠️ If you're using truffle-hdwallet-provider with Truffle v5 you must install the Web3 1.0 enabled version:

$ npm install --save truffle-hdwallet-provider@web3-one

Configuration and use

Example network config

ropsten: {
  provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, ``),
  network_id: 3,
  gas: 5500000,           // Default gas to send per transaction
  gasPrice: 10000000000,  // 10 gwei (default: 20 gwei)
  confirmations: 2,       // # of confs to wait between deployments. (default: 0)
  timeoutBlocks: 200,     // # of blocks before a deployment times out  (minimum/default: 50)
  skipDryRun: true        // Skip dry run before migrations? (default: false for public nets )

Example Migration using async / await

const One = artifacts.require("One");
const Two = artifacts.require("Two");

module.exports = async function(deployer) {
  await deployer.deploy(One);

  const one = await One.deployed();
  const value = await one.value();

  await deployer.deploy(Two, value);

Deploying to Rinkeby...


More migrations improvements are coming soon....

  • @cag from Gnosis has written a really nice addition to the Migrations module that will automatically deploy contract dependencies you've installed with npm along with your own contracts.
  • Under the hood, the migrations command is now completely evented and managed by a reporter module. Those hooks will be exposed so anyone can write a UI for it and hopefully you'll be plugging into ever more sophisticated deployment script managers soon. Work on the default UI to make it more interactive and colorful is ongoing.

Even More!

truffle-console now supports async/await

A small but decisive improvement that should make the console much easier to use.

truffle(development)> let instance = await MetaCoin.deployed()
truffle(development)> let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
truffle(development)> let balance = await instance.getBalanceInEth(accounts[0])
truffle(development)> balance.toNumber()

External compiler support

For more advanced use cases, let's say your smart contract development workflow involves more than just compiling Solidity contracts. Maybe you're writing eWASM precompiles or making a two-dimensional delegatecall proxy. Or maybe you would just rather use @pubkey's solidity-cli instead of Truffle's solc configuration.

This is now supported by adding a compilers.external object to your Truffle config:

  /* ... */

  compilers: {
    /* ... */

    external: {
      command: "./compile-contracts",
      targets: [{
        /* compilation output */

  /* ... */

When you run truffle compile, Truffle will run the configured command and look for contract artifacts specified by targets.

This new configuration supports two main use cases:

  • Your compilation command outputs Truffle JSON artifacts directly
  • Your compilation command outputs individual parts of an artifact, and you want Truffle to generate the artifacts for you.

Credit to @axic for the idea and for helping to hone our requirements as we implemented it. Thank you!

Target generated artifacts

If your compilation command generates artifacts directly, or generates output that contains all the information for an artifact, configure a target as follows:

  compilers: {
    external: {
      command: "./compile-contracts",
      targets: [{
        path: "./path/to/artifacts/*.json"

Truffle will expand the glob (*) and find all .json files in the listed path and copy those over as artifacts in the build/contracts/ directory.

Post-processing artifacts

The above use case might not be sufficient for all use cases. You can configure your target to run an arbitrary post-processing command:

  compilers: {
    external: {
      command: "./compile-contracts",
      targets: [{
        path: "./path/to/preprocessed-artifacts/*.json",
        command: "./process-artifact"

This will run ./process-artifact for each matched .json file, piping the contents of that file as stdin. Your ./process-artifact command is then expected to output a complete Truffle artifact as stdout.

Want to provide the path as a filename instead? Add stdin: false to your target configuration.

Target individual artifact properties

The other way to configure your external compilation is to specify the individual properties of your contracts and have Truffle generate the artifacts itself:

  compilers: {
    external: {
      command: "./compile-contracts",
      targets: [{
        properties: {
          contractName: "MyContract",
          /* other literal properties */
        fileProperties: {
          abi: "./output/contract.abi",
          bytecode: "./output/contract.bytecode",
          /* other properties encoded in output files */

Specify properties and/or fileProperties, and Truffle will look for those values when building the artifacts.

These two approaches aim to provide flexibility, aiming to meet whatever your compilation needs may be.

Debugger mapping support

Mappings are now supported in truffle-debugger. Truffle will keep track of known mapping keys and let you inspect your contract's mapping variables with the v command. What's more, this means you can inspect mappings of structs and structs of mappings, etc.!


We'd like to extend a huge thank you to our community, our users, and our contributors, who have all been instrumental in helping us get this this point. We hope you enjoy this beta and all of Truffle's new features.

Please let us know if you find any problems or have any suggestions for making this release better. 🙇