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Implementing MLOps

Mathew edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 1 revision

Implementing MLOps for Persian License Plate Recognition

Building a Persian License Plate Recognition (LPR) system from scratch presented unique challenges, particularly in dataset preparation and model training. Employing Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) principles, we streamlined the process from data acquisition to deployment. Here's a deep dive into the technical workflow:

Data Acquisition and Preprocessing

Initially, we gathered a dataset of 2,000 images featuring vehicles with Persian license plates under diverse conditions. The primary challenge was ensuring the dataset's quality and variance. We employed automated scripts to filter out images that did not meet our quality criteria, such as clarity and visibility of the license plate.

# Python snippet for image filtering
import cv2
import os

def filter_images(image_path):
    images = [os.path.join(image_path, f) for f in os.listdir(image_path)]
    for img in images:
        image = cv2.imread(img)
        if not is_clear(image):  # Custom function to check image clarity


Cleaning and Augmentation

The next step involved cleaning the dataset to remove duplicates and irrelevant images. We utilized image augmentation techniques to artificially expand our dataset, introducing variations like rotation, scaling, and lighting changes. This step was crucial for improving the model's robustness.

# Using Albumentations for data augmentation
from albumentations import (HorizontalFlip, Rotate, RandomBrightnessContrast)
import albumentations as A

augmentations = A.Compose([
    Rotate(limit=30, p=0.5),

# Apply augmentations
def augment_data(image_path):
    images = [os.path.join(image_path, f) for f in os.listdir(image_path)]
    for img_path in images:
        image = cv2.imread(img_path)
        augmented = augmentations(image=image)
        cv2.imwrite(img_path.replace('/raw', '/augmented'), augmented['image'])


Labeling with Roboflow

For labeling, we opted for Roboflow, an end-to-end platform that significantly simplified the annotation process. Roboflow's intuitive interface allowed for precise labeling of Persian characters on the license plates. We exported the labeled dataset in YOLO format, ready for model training.

# Exporting dataset from Roboflow in YOLO format
# Note: This is a conceptual command. Actual export is done through the Roboflow UI.
roboflow export --project "Persian-LPR" --format "YOLOv5" --output "dataset/labeled"

Model Training and Evaluation

We fine-tuned a YOLOv5 model, chosen for its balance between speed and accuracy, on our augmented and labeled dataset. Training was conducted on a GPU-enabled environment to expedite the process. We monitored key metrics like precision, recall, and mAP (mean Average Precision) to evaluate the model's performance.

# Training YOLOv5 on Persian LPR dataset
import torch

# Load YOLOv5 model preconfigured for custom training
model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True)

# Train the model
model.train(data='dataset/labeled/data.yaml', epochs=50, batch_size=16)

Continuous Integration and Deployment

Adhering to MLOps practices, we set up a CI/CD pipeline for seamless integration and deployment. Automated scripts were employed for model retraining, evaluation, and deployment to production environments. This ensured that our LPR system remained up-to-date and performed optimally in real-world scenarios.

# Sample GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline for model deployment
name: LPR Model CI/CD

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Set up Python
      uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: '3.8'

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        pip install torch torchvision albumentations roboflow

    - name: Train model
      run: python

    - name: Deploy model
      run: python


MLOps methodologies enabled us to efficiently develop, train, and deploy a Persian LPR system. By automating data preprocessing, model training, and deployment processes, we ensured a high level of accuracy and reliability in recognizing Persian license plates.