This Terraform configuration is meant to install on AWS a full Mesos cluster from scratch.
The VPC module is require to run this Terraform configuration
A AWS Route53 Zone is create with the name .<top_fqdn> Nothing else than the NS is create at that point in the zone.
Later some entry will add two sub-domain: mesos-master and zookeeper to connect to both cluster, through ELB, respectively.
A bucket is created with the name .<top_fqdn>.
As the VPC module create a endpoint for S3 there will be no need to handle access from server within the VPC
When creating the bucket a specific policy is created to allow access only from within the VPC
At boot the cluster name and the Zookeeper endpoint is setup in Mesos configuration.
When Auto scaling, the Master will discover other Master through Zookeeper.
An ELB is create accessible through Route53 entry at
on port 80 or 5050
At boot the cluster name and the Zookeeper endpoint is setup in Mesos configuration.
When Auto scaling, the agent will discover Masters through Zookeeper.
At boot the cluster name and the s3 exhibitor configuration is set to allow zookeeper to gather the shared configuration.
When Auto scaling, the agent will discover Zookeeper through the s3 shared configuration.
At boot exhibitor will gather the shared configuration and auto configure Zookeeper to connect to the cluster.
An ELB is create accessible through Route53 entry at
on port 2181 and exhibitor at 8080 or 80
Some sample ami are available on the "packer" directory