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XhmikosR edited this page Nov 1, 2014 · 3 revisions


Unable to locate jQuery, which is required for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins to work

Bootstrap's jQuery plugins (which are optional) require jQuery in order to work, but Bootlint was unable to find jQuery within the webpage.

When running Bootlint outside of the browser, this means it did not find any <script> tag that seemed to be for jQuery.

When running Bootlint within the browser, this means it did not find any <script> tag that seemed to be for jQuery and also did not find a window.$ or window.jQuery global object.

You can safely ignore this warning if:

  • You're not using any of Bootstrap's jQuery plugins; or
  • Your website's JavaScript is concatenated into one file (or just a few files), such that jQuery isn't loaded from its own separate file; or
  • Your website uses a JavaScript packaging system (e.g. Browserify), such that the jQuery object isn't exposed to the global namespace.

Otherwise, you should a jQuery <script> tag to your webpage.

Found what might be an outdated version of jQuery; Bootstrap requires jQuery v1.9.0 or higher

Per the dependencies part of Bootstrap's bower.json, Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery v1.9.0 or higher. An older version of jQuery was potentially detected on your webpage.

You should upgrade your version of jQuery to meet the minimum requirement.

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