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Simple module for accessing Vault secrets. Currently includes support for Lambda and containers.


npm install @twentyfourg/vault
const vault = require('@twentyfourg/vault');



  • vaultAddress: Vault endpoint to use. Defaults to the VAULT_ADDR environment variable.
  • vaultTokenPath: Location of the Vault session token on the filesystem. Defaults to the VAULT_TOKEN_PATH environment variable or ~/.vault-token if not set. This option is only needed when running on a server/container.
  • bypassCache: Make a new API request for secrets instead of pulling from cache. Defaults to false.
  • vaultRole: What Vault role to attempt to authenticate to. Defaults to the VAULT_ROLE environments variable. This option is only needed when running on Lambda.
  • vaultToken: Existing Vault auth token. Can also be set using the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable. If left blank, this package attempts to generate a new Vault auth token for you.
  • awsScopedCredentialsRegion: Which region the STS signature is scoped to. Defaults to the VAULT_AWS_SCOPED_CREDENTIALS_REGION environment variable or us-east-1 if not set. This option is only needed when running on Lambda.
const vault = require('@twentyfourg/vault');
const options= {
  vaultAddress:'' // || process.env.VAULT_ADDR

vault('secret/data/foo', options)

Multiple secrets

This module supports passing a comma separated list of secrets. This module will retrieve all the secrets in the list and return one objects with all the secrets combined. If one or more secrets in the list fail to be retrieved, an error will be thrown. If there are any collisions during the merge, an error will be thrown.


{ foo: 'bar', bar: 'asdf', baz: 'asdf' }

Using the SECRET_PATH Environment Variable

This module will default to using the SECRET_PATH environment variable as the secret path if no other path is explicitly provided when invoked.

process.env.SECRET_PATH = "secret/data/foo";

Word on caching

This module caches the retrieved secrets in memory. This is done to limit the response latency caused by an API call to just the first retrieval of the secret. This helps performance but can result in stale secrets depending on your use case. If you wish to bypass the cache and make a fresh API request, use the bypassCache option.

await vault('secret/data/foo'); // 300ms latency

await vault('secret/data/foo'); // 4ms latency

await vault('secret/data/foo', {bypassCache: true}); // 300ms latency

Differences when running on a server vs Lambda

When running on a server, it is assumed you already have a Auth Agent for your authorization method configured and are logged in (already retrieved a session token). When running on Kubernetes, our single_server_standard scaffold comes preconfigured with a auth agent sidecar to retrieve and renew a session token. In that circumstance, this modules simply acts as an API wrapper.

The following options or environment variables must be set when running on a server/container.

  • options.vaultAddress || VAULT_ADDR
  • options.vaultTokenPath || VAULT_TOKEN_PATH || Will default to ~/.vault-token
const vault = require('@twentyfourg/vault');
const options= {
  vaultAddress:'' // || process.env.VAULT_ADDR

vault('secret/data/foo', options)

When running in Lambda, this module will authenticate to Vault and then make the necessary API requests to retrieve the desired secret. The secret values are cached for the duration of the function invokation.

The following opions or environment variables must be set when running in a Lambda function.

  • options.vaultAddress || VAULT_ADDR
  • options.vaultRole || VAULT_ROLE
  • options.awsScopedCredentialsRegion || VAULT_AWS_SCOPED_CREDENTIALS_REGION || Will default to us-east-1
const vault = require('@twentyfourg/vault');
const options= {
  vaultRole: 'g-1234-fooBar-aws-role',
  awsScopedCredentialsRegion: 'us-east-1'

vault('secret/data/foo', options)
