A docker container for vagrant-libvirt. Basically, I put these instructions into a docker container (except I used the embedded vagrant ruby instead of rvm).
docker build -t vagrant_libvirt:latest .
docker run --rm --privileged=true --net=host -v /var/lib/libvirt:/var/lib/libvirt -v /var/run/libvirt:/var/run/libvirt -v /var/lib/ctr-vagrant-libvirt:/persistent-data -ti twiest/docker-vagrant-libvirt
docker run --rm --privileged=true --net=host -v /var/lib/libvirt:/var/lib/libvirt -v /var/run/libvirt:/var/run/libvirt -v /var/lib/ctr-vagrant-libvirt:/persistent-data -ti vagrant_libvirt
Use the accompanying enter-container.sh script from outside of the running container to be able to have multiple terminals into the same container.
The docker image is fairly big (docker says it has a "virtual size" of 1.5G)
This container has to run with --net=host so that vagrant can talk to the launched VMs
This container has to run privileged so that it can communicate with the libvirt socket
Libvirt must still be setup on the host machine. See the section "KVM/QEMU installation" from here: https://ttboj.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/vagrant-on-fedora-with-libvirt-reprise/
/var/lib/libvirt and /var/run/libvirt are both mounted into the docker container so that it can interact with libvirt
libvirt commands work inside the docker container. For example: virsh list --all
This container uses /persistent-data to store vagrant box images, and other persistent data. The command above uses /var/lib/ctr-vagrant-libvirt as the persistent directory, but any directory can be used.
Only tested on Fedora 20 x86_64, but may work elsewhere
Inside the container, the current directory is the oh-my-vagrant check out, so 'vs' and other aliased vagrant commands work without having to change directories.
You'll still need to import vagrant boxes with a command like this: vagrant box add http://file.example.com/vagrant/rhel-7.0/rhel-7.0.box --name rhel-7.0