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Theatre_Ag: The Software Agent Theatre

A Python based environment for multi-agent simulations, with a particular focus on modelling socio-technical systems.


Tim Storer
School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.
GitHub ID: twsswt
Email: [email protected]

Tom Wallis
School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.
GitHub ID: probablytom
Email: [email protected]


Theatre_Ag is a workflow oriented agent based simulation environment. Theatre_Ag is designed to enable experimenters to specify readable workflows directly as collections of related methods organised into Plain Old Python Classes that are executed by the agents in the simulation. All other simulation machinery (critically task duration and clock synchronization is handled internally by the simulation environment.


Theatre_Ag follows a theatrical metaphor for its API and Architecture. Core concepts in Theatre_Ag are:

  • Clock: All activity in a Theatre_Ag simulation is executed with respect to a clock object that issues clock ticks up to a specified limit.

  • Actor: A software agent with it's own thread of control. Actor execution of activity is regulated by the ticks of clock.

  • Scene: The problem domain 'physics' of the simulation environment. Actors manipulate the setting when they execute workflows.

  • Workflow: Task specifications implemented as Plain Old Python Classes. Workflows describe the sequence of work items and decisions taken by actors when the workflow is executed and any state that is maintained during execution, allowing actors to influence the shared environment of a problem domain. Workflows can also be annotated with the costs of performing individual work items.

  • Task: An instantiation of a workflow, comprising task meta data and an instance of workflow. Individual tasks can be stateful and are permitted

  • Cast: A collection of actors who will collaborate in a Theatre_Ag simulation.

  • Episode: The specification of a cast of actors, and initial starting conditions (directions) that the cast will improvise from.

Timing Model

The timing model in Theatre_Ag was designed with the simulation of socio-technical systems in mind. The timing model is designed to represent the observation of time with respect to the precision of a clock's tick. The unit of a clock tick is domain specific, so could represent seconds, weeks or years. All actors synchronize the execution of their tasks on the tick of a clock in the simulation.

The clock synchronization design is similar to turn based synchronisation models. It can be summarised as:

"explicitly inter-tick strictly deterministic and intra-tick non-deterministic."

I don't know if there is a more formal term for this. In practice, this means that if an activity can be specified to endure for an exact number of ticks for any number of concurrently executing activities. If, for example, activity a of duration 3 is initiated at time 1, and activity b of duration 1 is initiated at time 2, then activity b will finish at time 3 and activity a will finish at time 4. However, if two activities are initiated or terminate at the same time, then the ordering of the initiation or termination (and any consequent effect on the environment) is non-deterministic. For example if activity a described above only takes duration 2 then both activities will end at time 3 and the ordering of the termination is not controlled by Theatre_Ag. This contrasts with other turn based timing models that are strictly deterministic because the order of agent execution during a turn can be pre-determined.


The basic behaviour of actors is implemented in the actor.Actor class.

Task Processing in the Perform Control Loop

Actors are implemented as a threaded process managed by the perform method. The perform method loops repeatedly as long as the actor still has tasks to be performed (tasks_waiting is True) or the actor is waiting for more tasks.

Perform follows the following procedure in each loop:

Poll for a new task by calling get_next_task()
If a new task is available then:
    Log the task initiation.
    Calculate the cost of performing the task by calling calculate_delay().
    Wait for this number of ticks on the actor's clock.

    Execute the task.
    If task execution is normal then:
        Pass return values from task invocation to handle_task_return().
        Silently handle exception

    Log the completion of the task.

    idle for one tick.

Tasks may raise exceptions. In this circumstance, the task will be immediately terminated with no return value handled. However, the actor itself will not halt and will continue to process further tasks as normal.


Actors will idle indefinitely while waiting for tasks to perform. Actor shutdown can happen in three ways:

  • The initiate_shutdown method is invoked. When this happens, the actor will continue to poll for more tasks by calling get_next_task(), but will halt as soon as no tasks is returned.

  • The actor's clock reaches it's maximum tick while the actor is idling. In this case, the actor will immediately halt.

  • The actor's clock reaches it's maximum tick while waiting for the cost period of a task. In this case, the actor will immediately halt. The current task will be logged as incomplete in the Actor's task history.


The perform method behaviour can be configured in a sub-class by implementing the following three methods:

  • get_next_task(self):Task

    Called each time a new task is needed for invocation. Implementing classes of Actor must override this method to provide a means of scheduling actor tasks. Implementations of this method must return a Task object.

  • handle_task_return(self, task, return_value):None

    Called each time a task invocation completes.

  • tasks_waiting(self):False

    Called at the start of each perform loop to determine whether at least one task is available for invocation.

  • calculate_delay(self, entry_point, workflow, args):int

    Called immediately prior to executing a task to determine the number of ticks that must be observed before the entry point to a task is invoked.

The TaskQueueActor provides an example of how to override the default implementations of these methods.

Tutorials and Examples