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Felix Schürmeyer edited this page Oct 10, 2023 · 10 revisions

(Since 1.6.0) This is a convenience component for parsing large JSONL (AKA NDJSON) files. It is a Transform stream, which consumes text and produces a stream of JavaScript objects. It is always the first in a pipe chain being directly fed with text from a file, a socket, the standard input, or any other text stream.

Its Writable part operates in a buffer/text mode, while its Readable part operates in an objectMode.

Functionally, json/Parser replaces a combination of Parser with jsonStreaming set to true, which immediately follows by StreamValues. The only reason for its existence is improved performance.

Just like StreamValues it produces a stream of objects like that:

StreamValues assumes that a token stream represents subsequent values and streams them out one by one.

// From JSONL:
// 1
// "a"
// []
// {}
// true
// It produces:
{key: 0, value: 1}
{key: 1, value: 'a'}
{key: 2, value: []}
{key: 3, value: {}}
{key: 4, value: true}


The simple example (streaming from a file):

const {parser: jsonlParser} = require('stream-json/jsonl/Parser');

const fs = require('fs');

const pipeline = fs.createReadStream('sample.json').pipe(jsonlParser());

let objectCounter = 0;
pipeline.on('data', data => === 'startObject' && ++objectCounter);
pipeline.on('end', () => console.log(`Found ${objectCounter} objects.`));

The alternative example:

const JsonlParser = require('stream-json/jsonl/Parser');
const fs = require('fs');

const jsonlParser = new JsonlParser();

const pipeline = fs.createReadStream('sample.json').pipe(jsonlParser);

let objectCounter = 0;
pipeline.on('data', data => === 'startObject' && ++objectCounter);
pipeline.on('end', () => console.log(`Found ${objectCounter} objects.`));

Both of them are functionally equivalent to:

const {parser} = require('stream-json/Parser');
const {streamValues} = require('stream-json/streamers/StreamValues');
const fs = require('fs');

const pipeline = fs.createReadStream('sample.json')
  .pipe(parser({jsonStreaming: true})

let objectCounter = 0;
pipeline.on('data', data => === 'startObject' && ++objectCounter);
pipeline.on('end', () => console.log(`Found ${objectCounter} objects.`));


The module returns the constructor of jsonl/Parser. Being a stream jsonl/Parser doesn't have any special interfaces. The only thing required is to configure it during construction.

In many real cases, while files are huge, individual data items can fit in memory. It is better to work with them as a whole, so they can be inspected. jsonl/Parser leverages JSONL format and returns a stream of JavaScript objects exactly like StreamValues.


options is an optional object described in detail in node.js' Stream documentation. Additionally, the following custom flags are recognized:

  • reviver is an optional function, which takes two arguments and returns a value.

  • (Since 1.7.2) checkErrors is an optional boolean value. If it is truthy, every call to JSON.parse() is checked for an exception, which is passed to a callback. Otherwise, JSON.parse() errors are ignored for performance reasons. Default: false.

  • (Since 1.8.0) errorIndicator is an optional value. If it is specified it supersedes checkError. When it is present, every call to JSON.parse() is checked for an exception and processed like that:

    • If errorIndicator is undefined the error is completely suppressed. No value is produced and the global key is not advanced.
    • If errorIndicator is a function, it is called with an error object. Its result is used this way:
      • If it is undefined ⇒ skip as above.
      • Any other value is returned as a value.
    • Any other value of errorIndicator is returned as a value.

    Default: none.

Static methods and properties

parser(options) and make(options)

make() and parser() are two aliases of the factory function. It takes options described above, and returns a new instance of jsonl/Parser. parser() helps to reduce a boilerplate when creating data processing pipelines:

const {chain}  = require('stream-chain');
const {parser} = require('stream-json/jsonl/Parser');

const fs = require('fs');

const pipeline = chain([

let objectCounter = 0;
pipeline.on('data', data => === 'startObject' && ++objectCounter);
pipeline.on('end', () => console.log(`Found ${objectCounter} objects.`));


Constructor property of make() (and parser()) is set to jsonl/Parser. It can be used for the indirect creation of parsers or metaprogramming if needed.

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