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Egyptian Arabic (arz)

This repo contains the inflection tables for Egyptian Arabic (ISO 639-3 arz)


  • arz: entries based on lemmas that appear in the Egyptian Penn Arabic Treebank (ARZATB).
  • arz.args: a UniMorph 4.0 compatible verion of arz
  • arz.gloss: English glosses for the lemmas in arz.
  • this file.


Generation of the lemma inflections

  • The inflections of all the lemmas were generated through the CamelTools morphological generator component (demo, API) (Obeid et al., 2020). The morphological database used is CALIMA-ARZ (Habash et al., 2012). The CALIMA-ARZ database was designed as an analyzer and not a generator, and some portions of it came through imperfect automatic extensions. As a result, it over generated implausible forms. We used Morph/POS statistics from ARZATB to eliminate incorrect forms as much as possible.
  • The POS and morphological features are then mapped to UniMorph according to the current schema (Sylak-Glassman 2016).
  • The core POS of the lemmas are Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives.
  • The total number of lemmas is 6,347, with the following POS distribution:
    • V: 1,323 (20.8%) lemmas
    • N: 3,248 (51.2%) lemmas
    • ADJ: 1,776 (28.0%) lemmas


  • Egyptian Penn Arabic Treebank (ARZATB): All the lemmas in both ARZATB (Maamouri et al., 2014) and in CALIMA-ARZ.

Notes on Tokenization and Diacritization

  • Clitics were not included or marked in the inflection tables. The only clitic included is the determiner Al+ in order to be consistent with the ARZATB.
  • All the lemmas and the inflected forms are fully diacritized following the same convention in the ARZATB. Removing all the diacritics is straightforward and can be done through a simple regex. Alternatively, CamelTools provides a dediacritization utility: an API and a CLI.

Notes on POS decisions

  • All nominals with Al+ will be tagged with DEF for definiteness. All nominals without Al+ will be repeated twice: once as INDF and once as PSSD. That is because in most cases possession marking is not overt due to the orthography.
  • All verbs are by default in the active voice.


Salam Khalifa and Nizar Habash (CAMeL Lab @ NYU Abu Dhabi)

Paradigm Samples

The complete inflection table for the verb lemma سِمِع 'listen'

سِمِع	اَسْمَع	V;IPFV;SG;1
سِمِع	اِسْمَع	V;MASC;IMP;SG;2
سِمِع	اِسْمَعُوا	V;MASC;IMP;PL;2
سِمِع	اِسْمَعِي	V;FEM;IMP;SG;2
سِمِع	تِسْمَع	V;IPFV;MASC;SG;2
سِمِع	تِسْمَع	V;IPFV;FEM;SG;3
سِمِع	تِسْمَعُوا	V;IPFV;MASC;PL;2
سِمِع	تِسْمَعِي	V;IPFV;FEM;SG;2
سِمِع	سِمِع	V;PFV;MASC;SG;3
سِمِع	سِمِعت	V;PFV;SG;1
سِمِع	سِمِعت	V;PFV;MASC;SG;2
سِمِع	سِمِعتُوا	V;PFV;MASC;PL;2
سِمِع	سِمِعتِي	V;PFV;FEM;SG;2
سِمِع	سِمِعنا	V;PFV;PL;1
سِمِع	سِمْعُوا	V;PFV;MASC;PL;3
سِمِع	سِمْعِت	V;PFV;FEM;SG;3
سِمِع	نِسْمَع	V;IPFV;PL;1
سِمِع	يِسْمَع	V;IPFV;MASC;SG;3
سِمِع	يِسْمَعُوا	V;IPFV;MASC;PL;3

The complete inflection table for the adjective lemma كُوَيِّس 'good'

كُوَيِّس	الكُوَيِّس	ADJ;DEF;MASC;SG
كُوَيِّس	الكُوَيِّسَة	ADJ;DEF;FEM;SG
كُوَيِّس	الكُوَيِّسِين	ADJ;DEF;MASC;PL
كُوَيِّس	كُوَيِّس	ADJ;INDF;MASC;SG
كُوَيِّس	كُوَيِّس	ADJ;MASC;SG;PSSD
كُوَيِّس	كُوَيِّسَة	ADJ;INDF;FEM;SG
كُوَيِّس	كُوَيِّسَة	ADJ;FEM;SG;PSSD
كُوَيِّس	كُوَيِّسِين	ADJ;INDF;MASC;PL
كُوَيِّس	كُوَيِّسِين	ADJ;MASC;PL;PSSD



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