Aptana is an open source development tool for web applications. You can use it to test your web application with support for the latest browser technology specifications such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, PHP, and Python. Go to Apatana website.
MySQL is an open source database management system. It is based on the Structure Query Language (SQL), and can be used to create, query, update, and administrate databases. Go to MySQL website.
Microsoft Visio is installed in the CIS lab's virtual machines. It is used to draw Entity Relationship Diagrams. Go to Microsoft Visio website.
Visual Analysts works as a free alternative to MS Visio. Download Visual Analysts.
VMware is for remote CIS virtual machine access. Go to VMware website.
WinSCP is an open source software for file transfer between a local and remote computer. Go to WinSCP website.
SQLyog is a database management tool. It is an easy to use MySQL Graphic User Interface (GUI). Go to SQLyog website.
XAMPP is an open source Apache server application that supports PHP, MySQL, and Apache Web Server development. Go to XAMPP website.
w3schools provides online tutorials for most programming languages. Go to w3schools website.
Helps with: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and more
Codecademy provides online tutorials for many web development languages. This site helps with learning the basics of a programming language. Go to Codecademy website.
Helps with: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and more