The first open-source C++ development library for OFD.
"Electronic files storage and exchange formats - Fixed layout documents", referred to as OFD (Open Fixed-Layout Document), is China's independent research and development of fixed-layout format standard, is an important part of the national standard system of electronic documents.
October 13, 2016, the official release of the OFDnational standard, the standard number: 33190-2016. GB/T standard query site
The libofd is the first open-source C++ development library for OFD. It was established in October 20, 2016, only 1 week later than the standard release time.
- libofd: C++ library with standard ofd format for reading, writing and cross platform rendering.
- pdf2ofd: Convert PDF format file into OFD format file.
- ofdviewer: A simple tool for viewing OFD files.
- ofdviewer cant view ofd file, including simple navigate by up/down arrow.
- Use command "make sample0" to build ./output/sample0.ofd from ./data/sample0.pdf.
- Use command "make sample2" to build ./output/sample2.ofd from ./data/sample2.pdf.
- Use command "make view0" to view ./output/sample0.ofd by ofdviewer.
- Use command "make view2" to view ./output/sample2.ofd by ofdviewer.
- Complete OFD format file package.
- pdf2ofd can convernt PDF file into OFD file, include text only.
- use command "pdf2ofd [ofdfile]" to translate a PDF file into OFD file.
- Use command "make pdf2ofd" to build library(libofd) and tool(pdf2ofd)
- Use command "make check" to check files in package is meet the OFD standard.
- Read and write OFD files.
- Import text, path and image from PDF files.
- Render text, path and image in OFD files.
pdf2ofd is a tool translating a PDF file to a OFD file.
$ cd tools && ./
$ sudo apt-get install libfontforge-dev libspiro-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libtinyxml2-dev libsodium-dev libzip-dev
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fontforge/fontforge
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get insatll fontforge libfontforge-dev libspiro-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libsodium
- libsdl2-dev
- libsdl2-image-dev
- libsdl2-ttf-dev
- libsdl2-mixer-dev
- libsdl2-net-dev
- libsdl2-gfx-dev
- libfreetype6-dev
- libharfbuzz-dev
- libicu-dev
- libcairo2-dev
- libzip-dev
- easylogging++
- uuid-dev libopenjpeg-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libpoppler-private-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libtinyxml2-dev
$ git clone
$ make build
$ cd libofd
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
$ make pdf2ofd
$ make ofdviewer
$ build/bin/pdf2ofd data/sample0.pdf output/sample0.ofd
$ build/bin/ofdviewer --v=1 sample0.ofd
The command above will create a OFD file named sampl0.ofd in current directory, and upzip it into sample0 folder. See Makefile for detail.
$ brew install python gettext libpng jpeg libtiff giflib cairo pango libspiro czmq fontconfig automake libtool pkg-config glib pango
$ brew install -v --debug --with-giflib --with-libspiro fontforge
# Install fontforge UI
$ brew tap caskroom/cask
$ brew cask install fontforge
What's the differences between PublicRes and DocumentRes?
Section 6.2 P4 图中表明每个Doc_N只有一个PublicRes以及一个DocumentRes,而Section 7.5 P10 表6中PublicRes和DocumentRes的说明明确两者都是“资源序列,每个节点指向OFD包内的一个资源描述文档“,但它们的类型都是ST_Loc。矛盾的情况下,libofd按结构图中的定义,只允许一个PublicRes、一个DocumentRes。页面中的PageRes也有同样的问题。
Section 7.4 P8 表4第一行DocID备注“可选”,按附录A.1 OFD.xsd中P92定义应为“必选”。
Section 8.3.2 P32 表26最后一行“格构高洛德渐变”应为“网格高洛德渐变”
Section 8.2.1 P28 "当图元未定义绘制属性时,应首先按照图元定义的绘制参数进行渲染"该句重复,应删除。