toDoExample is a DjangoRestFramework project used for some personal examples. For example this project is used to demonstrate how to deploy a swarm stack behind a traefik proxy. (
To run the stack you just have to use the docker-compose file.
docker-compose up
The project provides one HTTP resource named 'todos'. You may request it as bellow.
#List all the todos
curl http://localhost:8000/todos/
#Add one todo
curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"title": "test"}' http://localhost:8000/todos/
#Retrieve one todo
curl http://localhost:8000/todos/<id>/
#Update one todo
curl -X PUT -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"title": "new title"}' http://localhost:8000/todos/1/
#Delete one todo
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/todos/1/
You may download the container image to reuse the app for your own examples.
docker pull vmonte/todoexample:latest