An encryption tool that use Google Tink to perform envelop encryption
The encrypted file then pushed into a vault storage of either:
- Local dir:
- S3:
Supported KMS:
- AWS KMS: aws-kms://
- GCP KMS: gcp-kms://
- Hashicorp vault: hcvault://
- Passphrase AES: aesgcm:// (not recommended)
Encryption is performed in memory so original file is expected to not be very large
cvault [flags]
cvault [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
decrypt Decrypt a file from storage
encrypt Encrypt a file and push it into storage
help Help about any command
list List encrypted file in store
peek Peek an encrypted file to stdout
remove Remove encrypted file from store
-h, --help help for cvault
-k, --key-id string KMS key id
--pass-prompt string Prompt for AES passphrase. Only when use key aesgcm://
-s, --store string Location of storage (default "local://.")
--vault-token string HC vault token
Use "cvault [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Q: Why cold vault
A: I want to have an infrequently-access vault to store my recovery code, TOTP seed, etc...
- Q: Why not GPG
A: I dont have a secure way to sync GPG private across machines