A library for instrumenting code and sending telemetry information to an aggregator.
import jot
from jot.print import PrintTarget
# A target provides the destination for the telemetry data. If jot is not initialized, all
# telemetry will be ignored. `init()` also accepts a dictionary of tags to be applied to all
# logs, metrics, errors and traces.
jot.init(PrintTarget(), {"environment": "staging"})
# Three levels of logging, with structured data
jot.debug("debug message", {"more": "tags"})
jot.info("info message", {"numeric": 64})
jot.warning("uh oh", {"level_of_concern": 6})
# Magnitudes are point-in-time measurements
jot.magnitude("memory-usage-bytes", 8096, {"executable": false})
# Counts are cumulative
jot.count("requests", 3, {"http.status": 200})
# Error reporting collects stack traces for analysis
except ZeroDivisionError as exc:
jot.error("Error calculating sales tax", exc, {"customer_id": 1337})
# Traces for application performance monitoring
with jot.span("task", trace_id=544678, parent_id=None, {"importance": "high"}):
with jot.span("subtask 1"):
jot.info("feeling refreshed")
with jot.span("subtask 2"):
jot.warning("didn't get enough sleep")