CS506 music visualizer group project
To run the project please have Angular and Angular CLI installed on your local machine. Clone the repo, navigate to music_visualizer/music-visualizer
For Security purposes we cannot make the following values public, so we have provided instructions on how to set it up to run locally.
Create an "environments" folder within source: In that folder create two files: environment.ts, and environment.prod.ts.
The contents of the files should look like this for both files:
export const environment = {
production: true,
clientId: "Enter spotify client id here (instructions below)"
clientSecret: "Enter Spotify Client Secret here"
export const firebaseConfig = { "place firebase config here" }
export const environment = {
production: false,
clientId: "Enter spotify client id here (instructions below)"
clientSecret: "Enter Spotify Client Secret here"
export const firebaseConfig = { "place firebase config here" }
You must also create and register an application with Spotify's developer portal here: https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/login and place the client id and client secret in the corresponding place in both files in the environments folder.
Similarly, you must also create a firebase project and place the firebase config in the corresponding place in both files in the environments folder.
Additionally, due to web certificates for localhost, you must generate both a server.crt and server.key and place them in the src folder. - The instructions for the certificate are very easy to google, please reach out to us if you would like to us to send you a copy of the exisiting certificates.
Only after the steps above can you proceed to the steps below.
- Run npm install -s
- Run ng serve --ssl true --ssl-cert ./src/server.crt --ssl-key ./src/server.key
This will load the application, go to the localhost address your console provides in Google Chrome. Upon page load, click sign up, create an account, and you will be redirected to an introduction page.
From there click continue to visualization page.
To visualize a song, choose a source of the three presented on the screen. After successful file upload/spotify connection/microphone access, the visualization should begin animating on screen. Clicking m again will hide the menu.
To run code coverage, run: ng test --code-coverage
To run automated ui tests, run: ng e2e
Live deployment link: https://music-visualizer-b2ae6.web.app/