This is a library for parsing and generating RFC 3164 compatible Syslog messages.
API documentation is available online.
match Ptime.of_date_time ((1970, 1, 1), ((0, 0, 0), 0)) with
| Some ts -> Syslog_message.decode ~ctx:{timestamp=ts; hostname="-"; set_hostname=false} "<133>Oct 3 15:51:21 server001: foobar"
| None -> failwith "Failed to parse Syslog message";;
- : Syslog_message.t option =
Some {Syslog_message.facility = Syslog_message.Local0; severity = Syslog_message.Notice; timestamp = <abstr>;
hostname = "server001"; message = "foobar"}
This library can be installed with opam
: opam install syslog-message
A test suite using qcheck is provided: opam install --build-test syslog-message