Releases: vhanla/winxcorners
Releases · vhanla/winxcorners
This new version adds few modifications on functionality, just added
- Start Menu
- 3 more custom commands
- Styling according to the Windows 10 or Windows 11 theme
- Fixed trayicon's and context menu recoloring on system's theme change
- Full Screen detection in order to not trigger actions while being in a fullscreen application.
- Tray icon context menu includes a toggle check item to detect fullscreen and avoid or not.
- Added Virtual Desktop awareness.
Full Changelog: 1.2.1b...1.3.0
Error reporting added and fixed some bugs
This release includes MadExcept in order to help users send bug/errors reports.
- It has been fixed errors related to accessing windows registry entries.
- It has been fixed an error for accessing memory (OSD window) not yet created.
Since MadExcept has been added, executable has been increased and memory usage too (5MB to 10MB), I would compress it using UPX, but it adds more memory usage (20MB or even more).