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Documentation for 4chan's read-only JSON API.

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vichan API


Welcome to vichan read-only JSON API documentation.

This API works at every vichan-based board, for example, and at a few Tinyboard-based ones (ask your admin to enable it).

JSON representations of threads and indexes are exposed at the following URLs:

http(s)://siteurl/board/pagenumber.json (0 is main index, unlike on 4chan, which is 1-based)

A JSON representation of all thread OPs (and the replies shown on indexes) from an individual board can be found at the following URL:


And just the thread IDs, their modification times, and respective pages can be found here:


A list of boards is exposed at the following URL: (nb. this is not yet implemented, it may work on individual sites)


CORS may be supported, on discretion of board owners.

Supported request methods are: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS

Questions? Please e-mail [email protected].

This guide was last updated September 24, 2014.

Posts Object

Incompatibilities with 4chan API are marked with (!).

Not yet implemented features, but marked for implementation, are marked with (ni).

Custom vichan additions, as compared to 4chan API, are marked with (NEW).

attribute value description possible values example value
no integer Post number 1-9999999999999 9001
resto integer Reply to 0 (is a thread OP), 1-9999999999999 0
sticky integer Stickied thread? 0 (no), 1 (yes) 1
closed integer Closed thread? 0 (no), 1 (yes) 1
archived does not exist here (!)
now does not exist here (!)
time integer UNIX timestamp UNIX timestamp 1344570123
name string Name text moot
trip string Tripcode text (format: !tripcode!!securetripcode) !Ep8pui8Vw2
id string (ni) ID text (8 characters), Mod, Admin, Developer Admin
capcode string Capcode none, mod, admin, admin_highlight, developer admin
country string Country code text (2 characters, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2), XX (unknown) XX
country_name string Country name text Unknown
sub string Subject text This is a subject
com string Comment text (includes escaped HTML) This is a comment
tim string (!) Renamed filename UNIX timestamp + microseconds 1344402680740
filename string Original filename text OPisa
ext string File extension .jpg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .swf, .webm .jpg
fsize integer File size 1-8388608 2500
md5 string File MD5 text (24 character, packed base64 MD5 hash) NOetrLVnES3jUn1x5ZPVAg==
w integer Image width 1-10000 500
h integer Image height 1-10000 500
tn_w integer Thumbnail width 1-250 250
tn_h integer Thumbnail height 1-250 250
filedeleted integer (ni) File deleted? 0 (no), 1 (yes) 0
spoiler integer (ni) Spoiler image? 0 (no), 1 (yes) 0
custom_spoiler does not exist here (!)
omitted_posts integer # replies omitted 1-10000 33
omitted_images integer # image replies omitted 1-10000 21
replies integer # replies total 0-99999 231
images integer # images total 0-99999 132
bumplimit does not exist here (!)
imagelimit does not exist here (!)
capcode_replies does not exist here (!)
last_modified integer Time when last modified UNIX timestamp 1344571233
tag does not exist here (!)
semantic_url does not exist here (!)

Note the following attributes are optional:
sticky closed archived (only displays on OPs when true)
id (only displays when board has DISPLAY_ID set)
name (only displays if name is present, which is always unless there is a blank name and tripcode)
trip (only displays if tripcode is present)
sub (only displays if subject is present)
com (only displays if comment is present)
capcode (only displays when using a capcode)
country country_name (only displays when board uses country flags)
filename (only displays when image uploaded)
ext (only displays when image uploaded)
fsize (only displays when image uploaded)
w (only displays when image uploaded)
h (only displays when image uploaded)
tn_w (only displays when image uploaded)
tn_h (only displays when image uploaded)
filedeleted (only displays when image uploaded)
spoiler (only displays when image uploaded)
omitted_posts (only displays on OPs on index pages)
omitted_images (only displays on OPs on index pages)
replies (only displays on OPs)
images (only displays on OPs)
last_modified (only displayed in threads.json, and includes replies, deletions, and sticky/closed changes)

Where are the files?

Boards: http(s)://siteurl/board/
Indexes: http(s)://siteurl/board/[1-10].html (# of pages varies per board, directory root is page 1)

Threads: http(s)://siteurl/board/res/resto.html
Replies: http(s)://siteurl/board/res/resto.html#pno

Images: http(s)://siteurl/board/src/tim.ext
Thumbnails: http(s)://siteurl/board/src/tims.jpg

Spoiler image: http(s)://siteurl/static/spoiler.png

File deleted: http(s)://siteurl/static/deleted.png

Country flags: http(s)://siteurl/static/flags/country.png


To view a pretty-printed version of our thread, index, and catalog JSON, use JSONLint.


Documentation for 4chan's read-only JSON API.






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