N.b. This version requires this version of RS. At the current time, it has not been merged into the master branch yet.
Add the sengrid-test app to an instance of RS.
Update config/repositories/sengrid.ttl
and add these three lines inside the reposail:sailImpl
<http://www.researchspace.org/resource/system/ephedra#authKey> "Authorization";
<http://www.researchspace.org/resource/system/ephedra#authLocation> "header";
<http://www.researchspace.org/resource/system/ephedra#authValue> "Bearer {your token here}";
With a running instance of RS execute the following query against sengrid
PREFIX Platform: <http://www.researchspace.org/resource/system/>
PREFIX rso: <http://www.researchspace.com/resource/assets/Ontologies/researchspace#>
select * where {
?s rso:hasToEmail "[email protected]";
rso:hasFromEmail "[email protected]";
rso:hasSubject "Sending with RS is even more funnier than SendGrid";
rso:hasContentType "text/plain";
rso:hasContentValue "and easy to do";
The email is now sent. N.b. Sengrid returns an empty message on success. This throws an error when receiving the response. If Sengrid allows any kind of response customization, this may be solved. Otherwise, there will be another Researchspace update solving this issue.