Wrap Msgpack to be used as objects of predefined class, in continuation of the project RapidJSONWrapper
Objects are represented as DTOs with msgpack serialization/deserialization support:
class UserDto : public MsgpackObject {
MsgpackValue<char *> Name;
MsgpackValue<uint32_t> Role;
UserDto(char *name = {}, TUserRole role = {})
: Name(this, 0, name),
Role(this, 1, role){};
class GoodsDto : public MsgpackObject {
MsgpackValue<int> Id;
MsgpackValue<uint32_t> Created;
MsgpackValue<char *> Group;
MsgpackValue<char *> Name;
MsgpackValue<float> Price;
MsgpackValue<double> Quantity;
MsgpackValue<bool> Deleted;
MsgpackValue<char *> StoreName;
GoodsDto(int id = {}, uint32_t created = {}, char *group = {}, char *name = {}, float price = {}, double quantity = {}, bool deleted = {}, char *storeName = {})
: Id(this, 0, id),
Created(this, 1, created),
Group(this, 2, group),
Name(this, 3, name),
Price(this, 4, price),
Quantity(this, 5, quantity),
Deleted(this, 6, deleted),
StoreName(this, 7, storeName){};
class GoodsList : public MsgpackObjectsArray {
bool Validate(MsgpackObject *item) override { return item->Validate(); }
MsgpackObject *CreateItem() override { return new GoodsDto(); }
class OrderDto : public MsgpackObject {
MsgpackValue<char *> Supplier;
MsgpackValue<uint32_t> DateTime;
MsgpackValue<MsgpackArrayBase *> Goods;
MsgpackValue<MsgpackObject *> User;
GoodsList goodsList;
UserDto userDto;
OrderDto(char *supplier = {}, uint32_t dateTime = {}, char *userName = {}, TUserRole userRole = {})
: Supplier(this, 0, supplier),
DateTime(this, 1, dateTime),
Goods(this, 2, &goodsList),
userDto(userName, userRole),
User(this, 3, &userDto){};
sample code (from tests):
TEST(MsgpackObjectTestsGroup, MsgpackObject_Complex_WriteTo_TryParse_Test) {
char buffer[2048];
OrderDto order0("Dell", 1657058000, "Joe Doe", TUserRole::uViewer);
order0.goodsList.Add(new GoodsDto(1, 1657052789, "Keyboards", "K1-100", 58.25, 48.2));
order0.goodsList.Add(new GoodsDto(2, 1657053789, "Keyboards", "K2-100", 158.25, 448.2));
order0.goodsList.Add(new GoodsDto(3, 1657054789, "Keyboards", "K3-100", 258.25, 548.2));
order0.goodsList.Add(new GoodsDto(4, 1657055789, "Keyboards", "K4-100", 358.25, 648.2));
CHECK_EQUAL(order0.Write(buffer, sizeof(buffer)), 182);
OrderDto order1;
CHECK_TRUE(order1.TryParse(buffer, 182));
CHECK_EQUAL(order1.goodsList.Size(), 4);
CHECK_EQUAL(order1.goodsList.Item<GoodsDto *>(0)->Created.Get(), 1657052789);
STRCMP_EQUAL(order1.goodsList.Item<GoodsDto *>(1)->Name.Get(), "K2-100");
STRCMP_EQUAL(order1.goodsList.Item<GoodsDto *>(2)->Name.Get(), "K3-100");
CHECK_EQUAL(order1.goodsList.Item<GoodsDto *>(3)->Price.Get(), 358.25);
CHECK_EQUAL(order1.goodsList.Item<GoodsDto *>(3)->Quantity.Get(), 648.2);
STRCMP_EQUAL(order1.userDto.Name.Get(), "Joe Doe");