An IVR Chatbot with integrated text-to-speech and speech-to-text APIs, with Multilingual support.
Built using Rasa 2.0 .
Before starting the installation process, please ensure that you have docker and conda/virtualenv installed.
Firstly we install all the dependencies:
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Change into project directory:
cd Interactive\ Voice\ Response/
- Create python environment
conda create --name <environment-name> python=3.8
- Activate environment
conda activate <environment-name>
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
After installing the dependencies, you need to open 4 terminal/shell windows:
- Terminal-1: For duckling server
docker run -p 9000:8000 rasa/duckling
- Terminal-2: For web application
# activate virtual environemtn conda activate <environment-name> # change directory to webapp cd backend # run web application server uvicorn app:app --reload --port 8000
- Terminal-3: For RASA actions server
# activate virtual environemtn conda activate <environment-name> # change to chatbot directory cd chatbot # run RASA actions server rasa run actions
- Terminal-4: For RASA core server
# activate virtual environemtn conda activate <environment-name> # change to chatbot directory cd chatbot # run RASA core server rasa run --enable-api --verbose
On successfully running these, commands you will be able to run the chatbot in your browser on the address localhost:8000.