Homework of "Spring cloud" courses.
- Simple client to retrieve lucky word
- Config server to send lucky word to client
- Eureka server
- Config server to send common configs and profile-specific configs
- Services to create a sentence which consists of noun, article, adjective, subject, verb
- Sentence service which calls another service for sentence parts
- Eureka server
- Config server to send common configs and profile-specific configs
- Services to create a sentence which consists of noun, cold-noun (which uses the same name as noun but with another content), article, adjective, subject, verb
- Sentence service which calls another service for sentence parts (with configured Ribbon to use both noun services)
- Eureka server
- Config server to send common configs and profile-specific configs
- Services to create a sentence which consists of noun, cold-noun (which uses the same name as noun but with another content), article, adjective, subject, verb
- Sentence service which calls another service for sentence parts through Feign
- Ribbon load balancing is implemented with Feign internally
- Eureka server
- Config server to send common configs and profile-specific configs
- Services to create a sentence which consists of noun, cold-noun (which uses the same name as noun but with another content), article, adjective, subject, verb
- Sentence service which calls another service for sentence parts through Feign
- Ribbon load balancing is implemented with Feign internally
- Hystrix is provided with fallback methods
- Hystrix dashboard is available for Hystrix states monitoring
- Eureka server
- Config server to send common configs and profile-specific configs
- Services to create a sentence which consists of noun, cold-noun (which uses the same name as noun but with another content), article, adjective, subject, verb
- Sentence service which calls another service for sentence parts through Feign
- Ribbon load balancing is implemented with Feign internally
- Hystrix is provided with fallback methods
- Hystrix dashboard is available for Hystrix states monitoring
- Spring cloud bus for dynamic configuration changes