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Paco Gómez edited this page Jul 14, 2017 · 15 revisions

This section describes the compute service operations available through vca-cli

Compute Commands

The following is a list of compute service related commands:

vapp      Operations with vApps
vm        Operations with VMs
catalog   Operations with vApp catalog templates

vApp Operations

A vApp can be created by specifying an existing template. Here is an example:

$ vca vapp create --vapp myvapp --vm myvm \
    --catalog 'Public Catalog' --template 'Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (amd64 20150127)' \
    --network default-routed-network --mode pool

It is possible to create more than one instances from a template by using the count parameter. The following example creates 10 virtual machines from a template:

$ vca vapp create --vapp myvapp --vm myvm \
    --catalog 'Public Catalog' --template 'Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (amd64 20150127)' \
    --network default-routed-network --mode pool \
    --count 10

The new VM instance can be customize as part of the create command by specifying the number of virtual CPUs and size of the memory (in MB). Here is an example of creating a virtual machine with 4 virtual CPUs and 8 Gigs of RAM:

$ vca vapp create --vapp myvapp --vm myvm \
    --catalog 'Public Catalog' --template 'Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (amd64 20150127)' \
    --network default-routed-network --mode pool \
    --cpu 4 --ram 8192

The vm command provides a detailed view of the virtual machines in the virtual datacenter:

$ vca vm

Catalog Operations

The catalogs in a virtual datacenter contain vApp templates, media (ISO) and other types of files. The catalog command enables the operation with catalogs. Below are some examples:

List catalogs and their contents:

$ vca catalog

Create a new catalog:

$ vca catalog create --catalog my-catalog

Upload a media file (ISO) from the computer to the catalog in vCloud:

$ vca catalog upload \
  --file ~/Downloads/VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.0.0-2494585.x86_64.iso \
  --catalog catalog-1 --item esxi.iso --description esxi

Delete catalog items:

$ vca catalog delete-item --catalog catalog-1 --item esxi.iso

Delete a catalog (needs to be empty):

$ vca catalog delete --catalog catalog-1
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