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Testing Guide

Tadaya Tsuyukubo edited this page Sep 22, 2016 · 2 revisions


This document explains how to write tests for xenon based application.

Testing framework

Xenon comes with support for writing tests.

  • VerificationHost : ServiceHost implementation with testing support methods
  • TestRequestSender : provides methods to send request synchronously
  • TestContext : counter and timer based wait condition
  • TestNodeGroupManager: provides node group related operations
  • AuthTestUtils : provides authorization related methods

All of these classes are packaged in xenon-common-[version]-tests.jar.

Sample code


Making synchronous request

TestRequestSender provides means to send operations synchronously.

TestRequestSender sender = new TestRequestSender(host);

// single request and wait the response
ExampleServiceState result = sender.sendAndWait(op, ExampleServiceState.class);

// multiple request in parallel, then wait all response to be returned
List<ExampleServiceState> results = sender.sendAndWait(ops, ExampleServiceState.class);

// expect failure response that contains callback operation and failure(Throwable)
FailureResponse failureResponse = sender.sendAndWaitFailure(op);
Operation callbackOp = failureResponse.op;
Throwable failure = failureResponse.failure;
assertEquals(403, callbackOp.getStatusCode());  // sample to check status code


To test async system, it is essential to properly put wait condition.
TestContext provides count down and timeout style waiting for action(s) to be completed.

Count down style wait:

// setting countdown=10
TestContext waitContext = new TestContext(10, Duration.ofSeconds(30));

// in async logic, for example completion handler
op.setComplate((o,e) -> {
  // ... some logic
  waitContext.complete();  // countdown
  // ...

// wait until complete() is called 10 times, or timeout

To make it simple for general wait case for countdown=1, TestContext#waitFor provides a boolean condition check callback with timeout.

Timeout style wait:

waitFor(timeout, () -> {
    // check logic called multiple times
    return workDone;  // boolean whether it's done or not
}, () -> {
    // lambda to lazily construct timeout message
    return "Something was expected 100 but was " + actual;

If you are using VerificationHost, it has waitFor method as well.

If TestContext waiting mechanism is not enough for your use case, consider using 3rd party library such as Awaitility.

Node group support

For testing with multiple nodes, you need to make a node group to cluster individual nodes. TestNodeGroupManager provides operations for node group such as updating quorum, waiting node group convergence, or waiting OWNER_SELECTED service to be ready in the node group.

TestNodeGroupManager does not keep the state of target node group. It simply issues operations(requests) to registered nodes. Therefore, it is caller's responsibility that registered nodes are in correct state such as node availability, accessibility, etc.

TestNodeGroupManager myGroup =new TestNodeGroupManager("myGroup")
                .createNodeGroup() // create myGroup
                .joinNodeGroupAndWaitForConvergence();  // make them join myGroup

// wait OWNER_SELECTED service to be available in cluster

// create a sender using one of the host in node group
TestRequestSender sender = new TestRequestSender(myGroup.getHost());

// change quorum


AuthTestUtils provides all auth related methods.
You have to decide what operations needs be performed under which user(system or any other users).

// execute given lambda operations under system auth context
AuthTestUtils.executeWithSystemAuthContext(nodeGroup, () -> {

// perform operations with system auth context declaratively

// login and subsequent operations will be performed as [email protected]
AuthTestUtils.loginAndSetToken(nodeGroup, "[email protected]", "password");

// login and get the auth token
String token = AuthTestUtils.login(nodeGroup, "[email protected]", "password");

// logout

How to write test

Testing single Service

There are multiple ways to test single implementation of Service. Simplest unit test would be instantiating target service manually and call handleGet method. If you want to run the service within ServiceHost, you can start the service on VerificationHost and make a request using TestRequestSender for synchronous call. If you want to use own ServiceHost implementation, you can still start the host, then interact with TestRequestSender. In this case, the test is more like integration/blackbox test.

Testing ServiceHost

You can instantiate your ServiceHost implementation in test, and interact with it using TestRequestSender and TestNodeGroupManager.
Even though it is a single node test, it is recommended to always write test as if it were multi nodes. Many of bugs surfaces in multi node environment.

Single node testing

In single node test, you can simply instantiate your service host and make requests using TestRequestSender.
We recommend start switching to multi node test as soon as possible since multi node is more close to the production environment, and many timing issues may show up in multi node.

// prepare my service host
ServiceHost host = new ...

// prepare operation sender(client)
TestRequestSender sender = new TestRequestSender(host);

Operation post = ...
ExampleServiceState result = sender.sendAndWait(post, ExampleServiceState.class);

Multiple node testing

TestNodeGroupManager nodeGroup = new TestNodeGroupManager();

// make node group join to the "default" node group, then wait cluster to be stabilized

// wait the service to be available in cluster

// prepare operation sender using one of the host in the node group
ServiceHost peer = nodeGroup.getHost();
TestRequestSender sender = new TestRequestSender(peer);

See more example in TestExampleService.


When ServiceHost has protected with auth(host#setAuthorizationEnabled(true)), it is caller's responsibility to properly setup authorization to the target operations.
AuthTestUtils provides methods for login, logout, or set system auth context.
So, use those methods appropriately to interact with protected resources.

See concrete example for AuthTestUtils usage in authorization() method in TestExampleService.

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