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Hpak Address Space

iMHLv2 edited this page May 25, 2014 · 2 revisions

Volatility can analyze memory dumps in the "HPAK" archive format, which is proprietary to the Fast Dump (FDPro.exe) acquisition utility.


When acquiring memory with FDPro.exe, use the -hpak command-line option to create a memory dump in the HPAK format. By default, without this option, raw memory dumps will be created.


The target system's physical memory can be zlib-compressed if the "-compress" option is chosen during the acquisition. In this case, we advise that you use the hpakextract plugin to convert the .hpak file into a raw memory dump.

File Format

A file with an .hpak extension has a 20-byte header. The first four bytes are "HPAK" which is the magic value.

>>> dt("HPAK_HEADER")
'HPAK_HEADER' (32 bytes)
0x0   : Magic                          ['String', {'length': 4}]

After the standard header, there is a variable number of HPAK_SECTION structures:

>>> dt("HPAK_SECTION")
'HPAK_SECTION' (224 bytes)
0x0   : Header                         ['String', {'length': 32}]
0x8c  : Compressed                     ['unsigned int']
0x98  : Length                         ['unsigned long long']
0xa8  : Offset                         ['unsigned long long']
0xb0  : NextSection                    ['unsigned long long']
0xd4  : Name                           ['String', {'length': 12}]

The Header value (a string) will be "HPAKSECTHPAK_SECTION_PHYSDUMP" for the section containing physical memory. It will be "HPAKSECTHPAK_SECTION_PAGEDUMP" for the section containing the target system's pagefile. If Compressed is non-zero, then the section's data (located at offset Offset and of length Length) is compressed with zlib.

Meta Data

The hpakinfo plugin prints information found in the HPAK file headers.

$ python -f memdump.hpak hpakinfo
Length:     0x20000000
Offset:     0x4f8
NextOffset: 0x200004f8
Name:       memdump.bin
Compressed: 0

Length:     0x30000000
Offset:     0x200009d0
NextOffset: 0x500009d0
Name:       dumpfile.sys
Compressed: 0