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Address Already In Use

Trudy edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 1 revision


The "Address Already In Use" error message indicates that the TCP port number that a program or service is attempting to use is already used by another program or service on the same machine, such as a web server or another VPN service like SSTP service on windows. This can happen when multiple programs or services attempt to use the same port number or if a previous instance of a program did not release the port properly.


👉 First, identify which program or service is using the port: Users can use various tools such as netstat or lsof commands to identify which program or service is currently using the port. In Linux you can use the following command

sudo lsof -n -i :443 | grep LISTEN
  1. Stop the program or service using the port.
  2. Restart the program or service, giving the error so that they may allocate another port.
  3. If the issue persists, try using a different port number. This may require configuration changes in the program or service settings.