Mellanox Teuthology and ceph latest packages with RDMA enabled
Runner Host <--- ssh passwordless ---> cluster nodes (1..n)
The runner host and all cluster nodes must be running:
Ubuntu 14.04
Accelio for_next commit 9cea8291787b72a746e42964d5de42d6d48f0e0d
root@all-host:~# git clone git:// accelio.git
root@all-host:~# cd accelio.git
root@all-host:~# git checkout -b rec_commit 9cea8291787b72a746e42964d5de42d6d48f0e0d
root@all-host:~# ./
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ root@all-host:# make j8 && make install
o Create new group and user ubuntu
root@all-host:~# useradd -u 2000 -d /home/ubuntu -m -s /bin/bash ubuntu
o Give root access to the ubuntu user. Add the following line "ALL ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" to /etc/sudoers file
root@all-host:~# vim /etc/sudoers ALL ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ALL
o Install openssh-server and setup password-less ssh login between nodes
ubuntu@all-host:~# sudo apt-get install openssh-server
Generate ssh-key if not present.
Do not provide any password while generating key
On runner-host and all cluster nodes, login as ubuntu user:
ubuntu@all-host:~# ssh-keygen
ubuntu@all-host:~# sudo cp f ~/.ssh/ /etc/ssh/
ubuntu@all-host:~# sudo cp f ~/.ssh/id_rsa /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
On runner-host only:
ubuntu@runner-host:~# ssh-copy-id
o Resolve the hostnames across all cluster nodes and runner-host
For example, add rdma network and rdma hostnames in /etc/hosts vlab-018-r1 vlab-019-r1 vlab-020-r1
o Install the following dependencies on all node
ubuntu@all-host:~# sudo apt-get install python-dev python-virtualenv python-pip libevent-dev libmysqlclient-dev python-libvirt python-yaml python-prettytable
ubuntu@all-host:~# sudo apt-get install binutils libaio1 libboost-system1.54.0 libboost-thread1.54.0 libcrypto++9 libgoogle-perftools4 libjs-jquery libleveldb1 libreadline5 libsnappy1 libtcmalloc-minimal4 libunwind8 python-blinker python-flask python-itsdangerous python-jinja2 python-markupsafe python-pyinotify python-werkzeug xfsprogs libfcgi0ldbl gdebi-core python3-chardet python3-debian python3-six gdisk cryptsetup-bin cryptsetup syslinux libffi-dev libssl-dev qemu-utils libyaml-dev libev-dev
o Install teuthology and ceph-qa-suite on runner-host only
Teuthology should be installed on the runner-host
Runner-host should have enough storage especially /tmp directory
Clone this project to home directory $HOME in runner-host
ubuntu@runner-host:~# cd ~
ubuntu@runner-host:~# git clone
ubuntu@runner-host:~# cd mlnx_teuthology
Clone "teuthology" project
ubuntu@runner-host:~# cd ~/mlnx_teuthology
ubuntu@runner-host:~# git clone
Change the permission of "teuthology" directory to 777 and bootstrap to install
ubuntu@runner-host:~# cd ~/mlnx_teuthology
ubuntu@runner-host:~# sudo chmod -R 777 teuthology
ubuntu@runner-host:~# cd teuthology
ubuntu@runner-host:~# ./bootstrap
Clone "ceph-qa-suite" project
ubuntu@runner-host:~# cd ~/mlnx_teuthology
ubuntu@runner-host:~# git clone
o Provide disks/partitions infomation on each OSD node
"sudo lsblk" to find all disks/partitions available
In the root "/" directory, create a file "/scratch/devs" and add/append available disks/partitions used in test. Teuthology will use these disks/partitions as OSD(s) in the test. The content of "/scratch_devs" file should look like this:
/dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sdf
Change the permission of "/scratch_dev" file to 777
ubuntu@osd-host:~# sudo chmod -R 777 /scratch_devs
o Create target file on runner-host The target file(s) will have .yaml extension Ideally one .yaml file has to be created for each test suite (bvt, ceph_qa, etc...) This file will be one of the input parameters to run the test automation suite.
"~/mlnx_teuthology/target_bvt_sample_xio.yaml" is an example.
Target file(s) is test configuration file(s) which contains the information about:
- Test setup and cleanup
- Path to test suite(s)
- Path to all built packages
- Role of each node in cluster
- Target (key details to connect to cluster nodes)
- Ceph configuration and test environment setup steps