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Injection of values for variables (substitution)



EXISTS/NOT EXISTS relies on the "substitute" operation.

There are several problems identified with the specification material.

Substitute is also used in LATERAL Join.

This SEP describes the issues and proposes solutions.

Substitution of Variables in SPARQL

The SPARQL 1.1 algebra operation substitute evaluates a graph pattern where there are specific values for variables given by a solution mapping. The operation is used in the evaluation of EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operations.

A similar operation is needed for a LATERAL join. Both are exposing the specific values for variables, row-by-row, from part of the query evaluation into a graph pattern.

This document lists problems that have been identified with the substitute operation, and proposes an improved substitution evaluation process that addresses these problems based on the concept of Correlated Subquery as found in SQL.


The fundamental problem is that a variable cannot be simply replaced by a value (an RDF Term) in all places in a graph pattern. There are some places where SPARQL function forms and AS assignments require a variable. The proposal here is to take the variable binding from the input solution, retaining the variable in the graph pattern, and disallowing cases that can reset the variable binding, as is already the case elsewhere in SPARQL.

Identified Issues

This section describes the issues identified on the SPARQL Exists Community group mailing list public-sparql-exists/2016Jul/0014.

Issue 1: Some uses of EXISTS are not defined during evaluation

The evaluation process in the specification is defined for graph patterns, but there are situations where the evaluation is of an unlisted algebra form.

Examples include the following:

  • FILTER EXISTS { SELECT ?y { ?y :q :c } }
  • FILTER EXISTS { VALUES ?y { 123 } }

The argument to EXISTS is not explicitly listed as a Graph Pattern in the table of SPARQL algebra symbols in section 18.2 where the argument to EXISTS is listed as a GroupGraphPattern containing just a subquery or just InlineData.

Issue 2: Substitution happens where definitions are only for variables

There are places in the SPARQL syntax and algebra where variables are allowed, but RDF terms (constant values) are not.

For example —

                { SELECT ?x { :b :p :c } }

Both positions AS ?z and SELECT ?x must be variables.

In the algebra, this affects the following:

  • extend which is related to the use of AS in SPARQL syntax
  • in line data which is related to the use of VALUES

Issue 3: Blank nodes substituted into BGPs act as variables

In the evaluation of basic graph patterns (BGPs), blank nodes are replaced by RDF terms from the graph being matched, and variables are replaced by a solution mapping from query variables to RDF terms, so that the basic graph pattern is now a subgraph of the graph being matched.

Simply substituting a blank node for a variable in the EXISTS evaluation process does not cause the basic graph pattern to be restricted to subgraphs containing that blank node as an RDF term, because it is mapped by an RDF instance mapping before checking that the BGP after mapping is a subgraph of the graph being queried.

Note that elsewhere in the evaluation of the SPARQL algebra, a solution mapping with a binding from variable to blank node does treat blank nodes as RDF terms. They are not mapped by an RDF instance mapping.

For example, executing this query:

    ?x :p :d .
    FILTER EXISTS { ?x :q :b . }

against the graph { _:c :p :d . :e :q :b }, the substitution for EXISTS produces BGP(_:c :q :b), which then matches against :e :q :b, because the _:c can be mapped to :e by the RDF instance mapping that is part of the pattern instance mappings in 18.3.1.

Issue 4: Substitution can flip MINUS to its disjoint-domain case

Executing this query:

    ?x :p :c .
    FILTER EXISTS { ?x :p :c . MINUS { ?x :p :c . } }

on the graph { :d :p :c }, the substitution from 18.6 ends up producing

Minus( BGP( :d :p :c ), BGP( :d :p :c ) )

which produces a non-empty result, because the two solution mappings for the MINUS have disjoint domains, and 18.5 then dictates that the result is not empty.

Issue 5: Substitution affects disconnected variables

In this query:

  BIND ( :d AS ?x )
                  SELECT ?y WHERE { ?x :p :c } }

the substitution from 18.6 ends up producing

  Join ( Extend( BGP(), ?z :e ),
             Project( ToList( BGP( :d :p :c ) ), { ?y } )

The ?x inside the SELECT ?y is not projected out, so it is a "different" ?x than the outer one; changing it to another other unused name in the same query would not normally affect the query results.

An Improved substitute Operation

Evaluating substitute is performed for a given solution mapping. For example, if a graph pattern has one or more matches given the variable bindings of a solution mapping, the EXISTS operation evaluates to true. We call this solution mapping the current row in this description.

This section proposes an alternative mechanism. Rather than replace each variable by the value it is bound to in the current row, this alternative mechanism makes the whole of the current row available at any point in the evaluation of an EXISTS expression. It uses the current row to restrict the binding of variables, at the points where variable bindings are created during evaluation of EXISTS, to be those from the current row. It makes illegal syntactic constructs that could lead to an attempt to rebind a variable from the current row through the AS syntax.

Section "Addressing Issues" describes how this alternative definition of substitute addresses each of the issues identified above.

The proposal has the following three parts:

  • Place the current row mapping variables to values (the RDF terms) so that the variables always get their values from the current row. This is the replacement for syntactic substitution in the original definition.
  • Rename inner scope variables so that variables that are only used within a sub-query are not affected by the current row. This reflects the fact that in SPARQL such variables are not present in solution mappings outside their sub-query.
  • Disallow syntactic forms that set variables that may already be present in the current row. SPARQL solution mappings can only have one binding for a variable, and the current row provides that binding.


Within sub-queries, variables with the same name can be used, but they do not appear in the overall results of the query if they do not occur in the projection of the sub-query. Such inner variables are not in-scope when they are not in the output of the projection part of the inner SELECT expression.

Here, the ?s is not mentioned in the projection of SELECT (count(*) AS ?C):

  ?s :value ?v .
     { SELECT (count(*) AS ?C) {
           ?s :property ?w .
     FILTER ( ?C < ?v )

Replacing ?s in the sub-query with, for example, ?V1234 does not change the overall results:

  ?s :value ?v .
     { SELECT (count(*) AS ?C) {
             ?V1234 :property ?w .
   FILTER ( ?C < ?v )

Such variables can be replaced with a variable of a different name, if that name is not used anywhere else in the query, and the same results are obtained in the sub-query. A sub-query always has a projection as its top-most algebra operator.

To preserve this, any such variables are renamed so they do not coincide with variables from the current row being filtered by EXISTS.

The SPARQL algebra project operator has two components: an algebra expression, and a set of variables for the projection.

Definition: Projection Expression Variable Remapping

For a projection algebra operation `P` with set of variables `PV`, define a partial mapping `F` from `V`, the set of all variables, to `V` where:

    F(v) = v if v in PV
    F(v) = v1 where v is a variable mentioned in the project expression
           and v1 is a fresh variable
    F(v) = v otherwise.

Define the Projection Expression Variable Remapping `PrjMap(P,PV)` to be the algebra expression `P` (and the subtree over which the projection is defined) with `F` applied to every variable of the algebra expression `P` over which `P` is evaluated.

This process is applied throughout the graph pattern of EXISTS:

Definition: Variable Remapping

For any algebra expression `X`, define the Variable Remapping `PrjMap(X)`:

    PrjMap(X) = replace all project operations project(P PV) 
                with project(PrjMap(P,PV), PV) for each projection in X.

This replacement is applied bottom-up when there are multiple project operations in the graph pattern of `EXISTS`.

Applying the renaming steps inside a sub-query does not change the solution mappings resulting from evaluating the sub-query. Remapping is only applied to variables not visible outside the sub-query. Renaming a variable in a SPARQL algebra expression causes the variable name used in bindings from evaluating the algebra expression to change. Since these are only variables that are not visible outside the sub-query, because they do not occur in the projection, the result of the sub-query is unchanged. SPARQL algebra expressions cannot access the name of a variable nor introduce a variable except by remapping.

Limitations on Assignment

SPARQL syntactic forms that attempt to bind a variable through the use of AS that might already be in a solution mapping are forbidden in SPARQL; this is covered in the syntactic restrictions of 19.8 Grammar, notes 12 and 13.

This proposal adds the restriction that any variables in a current row, the set of variables in-scope of the expression containing EXISTS, cannot be assigned with the extend algebra function linked to the AS syntax.

In addition, any use of VALUES in the EXISTS expression must not use a variable in the current row.

Restriction of Bindings

The proposal is to retain the variables from the current row, not substitute them for RDF terms before evaluation, and also to restrict the binding of the solution to the RDF term of the current row. This occurs after renaming.

Binding for variables occurs in several places in SPARQL:

Note that other places where solution mappings add variables are in the extend function (connected to the AS syntax) and a multiset from VALUES syntax. Limitations on Assignment forbid these being variables of the current row.

Restricting the RDF Terms for a variable binding is done using inline data that is joined with the evaluation of the basic graph pattern, property path, or graph match.

Definition: Values Insertion

For solution mapping `μ`, define `Table(μ)` to be the multiset formed from `μ`.

    Table(μ) = { μ }
    Card[μ] = 1

Define the Values Insertion function `Replace(X, μ)` to replace each occurence `Y` of a Basic Graph Pattern, Property Path Expression, `Graph(Var, pattern)` in `X` with `join(Y, Table(μ))`.

Evaluation of EXISTS

The evaluation of EXISTS is defined as:

Definition: Evaluation of Exists

Let `μ` be the current solution mapping for a filter, and `X` a graph pattern, define the Evaluation of Exists `exists(X)`

    exists(X) = true if eval(D(G), Replace(PrjMap(X), μ) is a non-empty solution sequence.
    exists(X) = false otherwise

Addressing Issues

This section addresses each issue identified, given the proposal above.

Issue 1: Some uses of EXISTS are not defined during evaluation

This can be addressed by handling solution sequences as graph patterns where needed, by adding toMultiSet as is done for SubSelect in Translate Graph Patterns with a a correction to the text at the end of the introductory paragraph of Section 18.2.


"Section 18.2 Translation to the SPARQL Algebra" intro (end):

ToMultiSet can be used where a graph pattern is mentioned below because the
outcome of evaluating a graph pattern is a multiset.

Multisets of solution mappings are elements of the SPARQL algebra.  Multisets
of solution mappings count as graph patterns.

Issue 2: Substitution happens where definitions are only for variables

Rather then replace a variable by its value in the current row, the new mechanism makes the binding of variable to value available. The variable remains in the graph pattern of EXISTS and the evaluation.

Issue 3: Blank nodes substituted into BGPs act as variables

By making the current row, which can include blank nodes, available, and not modifying the BGP by substitution, no blank nodes are introduced into the evaluation of the BGP. Instead, the possible solutions are restricted by the current row.

Issue 4: Substitution can flip MINUS to its disjoint-domain case

Issue 4 is addressed because variables are not removed from the domain of MINUS. This proposal does not preserve all uses of MINUS expressions; the problem identified in issue 4 is considered to be a bug in the SPARQL 1.1 specification.

Issue 5: Substitution affects disconnected variables

Issue 5 is addressed by noting that variables inside sub-queries which are not projected can be renamed without affecting the sub-query results. Whether to preserve that invariant or allow the variables to be set by the current row is a choice point; this design preserves the independence of disconnected variables.


The proposal described in this document does not cover the use of variables from the current row in a HAVING clause.


Original content:

See also Correlation and Substitution in SPARQL.