CIS*4650 - Assignment 1 James Wadsworth 0813414
Program to parse through an SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), looking for specific tags and matching open tags with closed tags.
getToken() function written by Fei Song.
cd into 'wadsworj_a1' enter 'make' enter ./scanner < [input_file] > [output_file]
./src > source files
./include > header files
./obj > objects (.o) files
./test_suite > in progress test suite
Development was done based on tests. Not exactly unit tests unfortunatly, but the program was modified every time a new test was added. Here are the first 4, more were added as development went on.
I began implementing a Test Suite, which would have automatically run each test after every change to the program. This can be found in the folder 'test_suite'. I realized time would not allow this to be implemented for this assignment, but hopefully for future assignments.
- Open/Closed tag Test that program can accept an open and closed tag
- Nested Open/Closed tags
- Test for unmatched tags Program should print an error to user
- Test for case-insensitivity
- Test against provided example file Output should match sample output