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Waffle - a library for selecting an OpenGL API and window system at runtime


Waffle is a cross-platform library that allows one to defer selection of an OpenGL API and of window system until runtime. For example, on Linux, Waffle enables an application to select X11/EGL with an OpenGL 3.3 core profile, Wayland with OpenGL ES2, and other window system / API combinations.

Waffle's immediate goal is to enable Piglit to test multiple OpenGL flavors in a cross-platform way, and to allow each Piglit test to choose its OpenGL API and window system at runtime. A future goal is to enable the ability to record (with another tool such APITrace) an application's OpenGL calls on one operating system or window system, and then replay that trace on a different system.

For more information, visit to Waffle's website.



For example code and makefiles that demonstrate how to use and build with Waffle, see the following:

- The 'examples' directory in the source repository:

- Installed examples at $PREFIX/share/doc/waffle-VERSION/examples, if
  Waffle is installed on your system.

Build Requirements

Waffle has two build systems, a mature cmake build system and an new meson build system. We recommend using meson, but if you run into problems you may want to try cmake.


On Linux it's recommended to install the cmake or meson package using your distribution package manager.

Archlinux: pacman -S cmake meson
Fedora 17: yum install cmake meson
Debian: apt-get install cmake meson

To build the manpages or html documentation, xsltproc and the Docbook XSL stylesheets are required.

Archlinux: pacman -S libxslt docbook-xsl
Fedora 17: yum install libxslt docbook-style-xsl
Debian: apt-get install xsltproc docbook-xsl

If you choose to enable support for a given platform (for example, -Dwaffle_has_glx=1), then CMake will complain if the necessary libraries are not installed. Listed below are the required packages for each platform.

If you install Mesa from source, then Mesa must be configured with option -D platforms=PLATFORM_LIST, where PLATFORM_LIST is a comma-separated list of any combination of "x11", "wayland", and "drm".

- GLX:
    - Archlinux: pacman -S libgl libxcb libx11
    - Fedora 17: yum install mesa-libGL-devel libxcb-devel libX11-devel
    - Debian: apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libxcb1-dev libx11-dev

- X11/EGL:
    - all: If you choose to install Mesa from source, use -D platforms=x11
    - Archlinux: pacman -S libegl libxcb libx11
    - Fedora 17: yum install mesa-libEGL-devel libxcb-devel libX11-devel
    - Debian: apt-get install libegl1-mesa-dev libxcb1-dev libx11-dev

- Wayland:
    - all: Install wayland>=1.0 from source.
    - all: Install Mesa from source. Use -D platforms=wayland
    - Debian: apt-get install libwayland-dev

- GBM:
    - all: Install Mesa from source. Use -D platforms=drm
    - Archlinux: pacman -S systemd
    - Fedora 17: yum install libdrm-devel
    - Debian: apt-get install libgbm-dev libdrm-dev


cross-building under Linux

Make sure that CMake or meson is installed on your system.

Archlinux: pacman -S cmake meson
Fedora 17: yum install cmake meson
Debian: apt-get install cmake meson

The MinGW-W64 cross-build toolchain is recommended and its CMake wrapper.

Archlinux: aura -A mingw-w64-gcc mingw-w64-cmake (both are in the aur)
Fedora 17: yum install FINISHME
Debian: apt-get install FINISHME

For meson you will need a mingw cross file.

native builds

Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Update 4* or later. Install 'Visual C++' feature.


Download and install the latest version CMake from the official website:

Download OpenGL Core API and Extension Header Files.

Copy the header files to MSVC.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\GL


Download and install the latest meson from github:

OR, install python 3.x (currently 3.5 or later is supported) and install meson using pip:

py -3 -m pip install meson

There is no need to copy header files, meson uses a bundled copy


Waffle is not tested to build under CYGWIN and is likely to be broken. Patches addressing it are more than welcome.

For build requirements, build and installation instructions, refer to the Linux notes in the relevant sections.

Build and Installation

Be in the correct directory

git clone
cd waffle


tar xvf waffle-0.0.0.tar.xz
cd waffle-0.0.0

Configure pkg-config

Compiling for Windows does require any additional dependencies, as such this step can be omitted.

If any of Waffle's dependencies are installed in custom locations, you must set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. For example, if you installed a dependeny into /usr/local, then:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/share/pkgconfig:/usr/local/$libdir/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Building with CMake


Linux and Mac

On Linux and Mac, running CMake with no arguments as below will configure Waffle for a release build (optimized compiler flags and basic debug symbols) and will auto-enable support for features whose dependencies are installed:

cmake .

To manually control the configuration process, or to later modify the an already-configured source tree, run one of the following:

# An ncurses interface to CMake configuration.
ccmake .

# A graphical Qt interface to CMake configuration.
cmake-gui .

# Edit the raw configuration file.
vim CMakeCache.txt

All configuration options can also be set on the command line during the initial invocation of cmake. For example, to configure Waffle for a debug build, require support for Wayland, and install into '/usr' instead of '/usr/local', run the following:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
      -Dwaffle_has_wayland=1 \

Windows - cross-building under Linux

The following sh snippet can be used to ease the configuration process.

_architectures="i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32"
for _arch in ${_architectures}; do
  mkdir -p build-${_arch} && pushd build-${_arch}
  ${_arch}-cmake .. \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${_install_prefix} \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=${_install_prefix}/lib \
    -Dwaffle_build_tests=0 \

Make sure to adjust _install_prefix to "" if the resulting library will not be used for further cross-building.

Windows - native builds

For native Windows builds, one must provide a generator argument and optionally a toolset if the resulting library must be compatible with Windows XP. When the resulting library is to be 64bit "Win64" needs to be appended to the generator argument.

@echo Configuring Waffle as Windows Vista compatible 32bit library
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" -H%CD% -B%CD%\build\msvc32 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=""

@echo Configuring Waffle as Windows Vista compatible 64bit library
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -H%CD% -B%CD%\build\msvc64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=""

@echo Configuring Waffle as Windows XP compatible 32bit library
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" -T "v120_xp" -H%CD% -B%CD%\build\msvc32 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=""

For alternative control of the configuration process, or to later modify an already-configured source tree, run the graphical Qt interface via:


Build and Install

The following commands build Waffle, run its tests, installs the project and creates a binary archive in a platform agnostic way.

Note that not all steps may be required in your case and the configuration settings (cache) are located in the current directory as indicated by ".".

cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target check
cmake --build . --target check-func
cmake --build . --target install

Calling cmake ... check only runs unittests that do not access the native OpenGL platform. To run additional functional tests, which do access the native OpenGL platform, call cmake ... check-func.

Linux and Mac

On Linux and Mac the default CMake generator is Unix Makefiles, as such we can use an alternative version of the above commands:

make check
make check-func
make install
make package

Windows - cross-building under Linux

_architectures="i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32"
for _arch in ${_architectures}; do
  pushd build-${_arch}
  make install
  make package

Note: Running the tests (make check and/or make check-func) is not tested but may work if the appropriate environment is setup via wine.

Windows - native builds

One can manage the build/install/package process via Visual Studio's GUI or via the command line.

When using the GUI open .\build\msvc*\waffle-VERSION.sln, where * can be either 32 or 64 depending on your requirements.

If building via the command line, navigate to the correct folder and invoke the desired command as outlined in Section 3. Build and Install

For example the following will build 32bit Waffle and will package/archive it into a file called

@echo Preparing to build 32 bit version of waffle
cd .\build\msvc32
cmake --build .

Building with Meson

Once meson is installed you can configure the build with meson:

meson builddir

The default buildtype for waffle is debugoptimzed, which has debugging symbols but is optimized. This is equivalent to the CMake builds release. Meson's release mode does not have debugging symbols. If you wish to pass your own flags via CFLAGS you should set buildtype to plain:

meson builddir -Dbuildtype=plain -Dc_args='-03 -march=native'

NOTE: meson only read CFLAGS (and CXXFLAGS, etc) at initial configuration time. If you wish to change these flags you'll need to use the meson command line option -D${lang}_args= (such as -Dc_args=). This can be used at configure time as well. It is highly recommended that you use -Dc_args instead of CFLAGS.

You can check configuration options by:

meson configure builddir

Meson will be default try to find dependencies and enables targets that have dependencies met. This behavior can be controlled using configure flags.

Meson detects compilers from the environment, rather from a toolchain file like CMake does, the easiest way to set up MSVC is to launch a visual studio terminal prompt, and run meson from there. Meson supports using both ninja (the default) and msbuild on windows, to use msbuild add:

meson builddir -Dbackend=vs

On mac there is an xcode backend for meson, but it is not very mature and is not recommended.

To cross compile pass the location of a cross file, as described here.

If you want to build tests and don't have cmocka installed, meson will download and build cmocka for you while building the rest of waffle. This works on windows, but due to the way that .dll files work on windows it is only supported if you add:


Which will also build libwaffle as a static library.