A Java library for interacting with the Waves blockchain.
Supports node interaction, offline transaction signing and creating addresses and keys.
Use the codes below to add WavesJ as a dependency for your project.
- JDK 1.8 or above
compile group: 'com.wavesplatform', name: 'wavesj', version: '1.3.0'
libraryDependencies += "com.wavesplatform" % "wavesj" % "1.3.0"
This library's page at Maven Central
Create an account from a private key ('T' for testnet) from random seed phrase:
String seed = Crypto.getRandomSeedPhrase();
PrivateKey privateKey = PrivateKey.fromSeed(seed);
PublicKey publicKey = PublicKey.from(privateKey);
Address address = Address.from(publicKey);
Create a Node and learn a few things about blockchain:
Node node = new Node(Profile.MAINNET);
System.out.println("Current height is " + node.getHeight());
System.out.println("My balance is " + node.getBalance(address));
System.out.println("With 100 confirmations: " + node.getBalance(address, 100));
Send some money to a buddy:
Address buddy = new Address("3N9gDFq8tKFhBDBTQxR3zqvtpXjw5wW3syA");
node.broadcast(TransferTransaction.builder(buddy, Amount.of(1_00000000, Asset.WAVES)).getSignedWith(privateKey));
Set a script on an account. Be careful with the script you pass here, as it may lock the account forever!
Base64String script = node
.compile("{-# CONTENT_TYPE EXPRESSION #-} sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)")
node.broadcast(new SetScriptTransaction(publicKey, script).addProof(privateKey));
Same transaction from REST API
Id ethTxId = new Id("CWuFY42te67sLmc5gwt4NxwHmFjVfJdHkKuLyshTwEct");
EthereumTransactionInfo ethInvokeTxInfo = node.getTransactionInfo(ethTxId, EthereumTransactionInfo.class);
EthereumTransaction ethInvokeTx = ethInvokeTxInfo.tx();
EthereumTransaction.Invocation payload = (EthereumTransaction.Invocation) ethInvokeTx.payload();
System.out.println("is ethereum invoke transaction: " + ethInvokeTxInfo.isInvokeTransaction());
System.out.println("type: " + ethInvokeTx.type());
System.out.println("id: " + ethInvokeTx.id().encoded());
System.out.println("fee: " + ethInvokeTx.fee().value());
System.out.println("feeAssetId: " + ethInvokeTx.fee().assetId().encoded());
System.out.println("timestamp: " + ethInvokeTx.timestamp());
System.out.println("version: " + ethInvokeTx.version());
System.out.println("chainId: " + ethInvokeTx.chainId());
System.out.println("bytes: " + ethInvokeTxInfo.getBytes());
System.out.println("sender: " + ethInvokeTx.sender().address().encoded());
System.out.println("senderPublicKey: " + ethInvokeTx.sender().encoded());
System.out.println("height: " + ethInvokeTxInfo.height());
System.out.println("applicationStatus: " + ethInvokeTxInfo.applicationStatus());
System.out.println("payload dApp: " + payload.dApp().encoded());
System.out.println("payload call function: " + payload.function().name());
List<Arg> args = payload.function().args();
System.out.println("payload call function arguments type: " + args.get(0).type());
System.out.println("payload call function arguments value: " + ((StringArg) args.get(0)).value());
DataEntry dataEntry = ethInvokeTxInfo.getStateChanges().data().get(0);
System.out.println("state changes data key: " + dataEntry.key());
System.out.println("state changes data type: " + dataEntry.type().name());
System.out.println("state changes data value: " + ((StringEntry) dataEntry).value());
PrivateKey alice = createAccountWithBalance(10_00000000);
PrivateKey bob = createAccountWithBalance(10_00000000);
AssetId assetId = node.waitForTransaction(node.broadcast(
IssueTransaction.builder("Asset", 1000, 2).getSignedWith(alice)).id(),
Amount amount = Amount.of(1);
Amount price = Amount.of(100, assetId);
long matcherFee = 300000;
Order buy = Order.builder(OrderType.BUY, amount, price, alice.publicKey()).getSignedWith(alice);
Order sell = Order.builder(OrderType.SELL, amount, price, alice.publicKey()).getSignedWith(bob);
ExchangeTransaction tx = ExchangeTransaction
.builder(buy, sell, amount.value(), price.value(), matcherFee, matcherFee).getSignedWith(alice);
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node.getTransactionInfo(tx.id());
ExchangeTransactionInfo txInfo = node.getTransactionInfo(tx.id(), ExchangeTransactionInfo.class);
PrivateKey alice = createAccountWithBalance(10_00000000);
PrivateKey bob = createAccountWithBalance(10_00000000);
AssetId assetId = node.waitForTransaction(node.broadcast(
IssueTransaction.builder("Asset", 1000, 2).getSignedWith(alice)).id(),
Base64String script = node.compileScript(
"{-# STDLIB_VERSION 5 #-}\n" +
"{-# CONTENT_TYPE DAPP #-}\n" +
"@Callable(inv)\n" +
"func call(bv: ByteVector, b: Boolean, int: Int, str: String, list: List[Int]) = {\n" +
" let asset = Issue(\"Asset\", \"\", 1, 0, true)\n" +
" let assetId = asset.calculateAssetId()\n" +
" let lease = Lease(inv.caller, 7)\n" +
" let leaseId = lease.calculateLeaseId()\n" +
" [\n" +
" BinaryEntry(\"bin\", assetId),\n" +
" BooleanEntry(\"bool\", true),\n" +
" IntegerEntry(\"int\", 100500),\n" +
" StringEntry(\"assetId\", assetId.toBase58String()),\n" +
" StringEntry(\"leaseId\", leaseId.toBase58String()),\n" +
" StringEntry(\"del\", \"\"),\n" +
" DeleteEntry(\"del\"),\n" +
" asset,\n" +
" SponsorFee(assetId, 1),\n" +
" Reissue(assetId, 4, false),\n" +
" Burn(assetId, 3),\n" +
" ScriptTransfer(inv.caller, 2, assetId),\n" +
" lease,\n" +
" LeaseCancel(lease.calculateLeaseId())\n" +
" ]\n" +
InvokeScriptTransaction tx = InvokeScriptTransaction
.builder(bob.address(), Function.as("call",
Amount.of(1, assetId),
Amount.of(2, assetId),
Amount.of(3, assetId),
Amount.of(4, assetId),
Amount.of(5, assetId),
Amount.of(6, assetId),
Amount.of(7, assetId),
Amount.of(8, assetId),
Amount.of(9, assetId),
Amount.of(10, assetId)
TransactionInfo commonInfo = node.getTransactionInfo(tx.id());
InvokeScriptTransactionInfo txInfo = node.getTransactionInfo(tx.id(), InvokeScriptTransactionInfo.class);