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A high-level swift framework based on the GIT macOS command line utility

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A high-level swift framework to work with git command line in macOS

Git is a high-level swift framework based on the command line Git utility in macOS.


  • Cloning remote repositories (git clone and git fetch). Including shallow clone support (--depth option);
  • Getting the list of references (branches, tags) in repositories;
  • Checking out references (git checkout);
  • Working with remotes (listing, renaming, setting urls);
  • Committing local changes and pushing to a remote repository (git commit and git push);
  • Getting log records for a repository (git log);
  • Listing pending log records (committed locally, but not pushed yet) and upcoming log records (commited on a remote, but not presented in the working copy)
  • Working with stashes (git stash);
  • Basic merge (git merge);

Git.framework has no dependencies. Just clone and build.


  • macOS 10.13+
  • Xcode 10+
  • Swift 4.2+
  • Git for Mac 2.15+


Before installing this framework, please make sure you're using the correct version of Git in your system. You can check the current version via Terminal app:

git --version
$ git version 2.15.1


To install Carthage you can use Homebrew. Use the following command in Terminal app:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Git.framework into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "way-to-code/git-macOS" ~> 3.2.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built Git.framework into your Xcode project.

Swift 4.2

If you want to use Git.framework on Xcode 10.1 or lower, please use version 1.5.1

github "way-to-code/git-macOS" ~> 1.5.1


You can install Git.framework manually. Clone the project locally, build and integrate to your project as a framework


You may download XCFramework from the latests release page and integrate it into your project.

Note that XCFramework support is available since version 3.0.0.

Swift Package dependency

When you want to use Git.framework as a dependency in other package, you may follow the given example:

let package = Package(
    name: "MyPackage",
    products: [
        .library(name: "myProduct", targets: ["myTarget"]),
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "Git",
                 url: "",
                 .upToNextMajor(from: "3.2.0")),
    targets: [
        .target(name: "myTarget", dependencies: [
            .product(name: "Git", package: "Git")


Read more about Git.framework in the Wiki page:

Quick examples

Simple clone

To clone a remote repository you need to create an object GitRepository

let repository = GitRepository(fromUrl: URL(string: ""))

Next, just call the clone method

try? repository.clone(atPath: "/Users/youruser/hub")

Providing credentials

You can specify credentials for repository with a help of GitCredentialsProvider. If no credentials are specified, credentials from the global macOS system git config are used by default.

let credentialsProvider = GitCredentialsProvider(username:"user", password:"****")
let repository = GitRepository(from: URL(string: ""), using: credentialsProvider)

Receiving the progress

You may keep track of the clone operation progress, by setting a delegate object on repository

let progressTracker = MyCustomObject()

let repository: GitRepository
repository.delegate = progressTracker

// implement RepositoryDelegate protocol in order to track the events
extension MyCustomObject: RepositoryDelegate {
func repository(_ repository: Repository, didProgressClone progress: String) {