import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Method | HTTP request | Description |
apiV3ProjectsProjectIdVersionsGet | GET /api/v3/projects/{project_id}/versions | List versions available in a project |
apiV3VersionsGet | GET /api/v3/versions | List versions |
apiV3VersionsIdGet | GET /api/v3/versions/{id} | View version |
Versions apiV3ProjectsProjectIdVersionsGet(projectId)
List versions available in a project
This endpoint lists the versions that are available in a given project. Note that due to sharing this might be more than the versions defined by that project.
import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
final api_instance = VersionsApi();
final projectId = 56; // int | ID of the project whoose versions will be listed
try {
final result = api_instance.apiV3ProjectsProjectIdVersionsGet(projectId);
} catch (e) {
print('Exception when calling VersionsApi->apiV3ProjectsProjectIdVersionsGet: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
projectId | int | ID of the project whoose versions will be listed |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/hal+json
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Versions apiV3VersionsGet(filters)
List versions
Returns a collection of versions. The client can choose to filter the versions similar to how work packages are filtered. In addition to the provided filters, the server will reduce the result set to only contain versions, for which the requesting client has sufficient permissions (view_work_packages).
import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
final api_instance = VersionsApi();
final filters = filters_example; // String | JSON specifying filter conditions. Accepts the same format as returned by the [queries](#queries) endpoint. Currently supported filters are: + sharing: filters versions by how they are shared within the server (*none*, *descendants*, *hierarchy*, *tree*, *system*).
try {
final result = api_instance.apiV3VersionsGet(filters);
} catch (e) {
print('Exception when calling VersionsApi->apiV3VersionsGet: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
filters | String | JSON specifying filter conditions. Accepts the same format as returned by the queries endpoint. Currently supported filters are: + sharing: filters versions by how they are shared within the server (none, descendants, hierarchy, tree, system). | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/hal+json
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Version apiV3VersionsIdGet(id)
View version
import 'package:openproject_dart_sdk/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<HttpBasicAuth>('basicAuth').password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
// TODO Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<OAuth>('oAuth').accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
final api_instance = VersionsApi();
final id = 56; // int | version id
try {
final result = api_instance.apiV3VersionsIdGet(id);
} catch (e) {
print('Exception when calling VersionsApi->apiV3VersionsIdGet: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | version id |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/hal+json
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