Animated navigation on one-pagers using anchors.
When scrolling through a page, the package will update the location address, depending on which section is in view (halfway up the screen). When an anchor is clicked, it smoothly scrolls into position.
npm install @wearejust/navigate --save
var Navigate = require('@wearejust/navigate');
$(function() {
var Navigate = require('@wearejust/navigate');
$(function() {
active: 'active', // Class that is set on active item
history: true, // Enable changing of location address
item: '.navigate-item', // Item selector
prefix: 'navigate-', // Prefix anchor target to enable animation
replace: false, // Replace location history, instead of adding
resetAtTop: true, // Clears location address at the top of the page
offset: true, // Add or subtract offset for the scroll destination
speed: 500 // Set animation speed in milliseconds
<a class="navigate-item" href="#section-1">Section 1</a>
<a class="navigate-item" href="#section-2">Section 2</a>
<a class="navigate-item" href="#section-3">Section 3</a>
<div id="section-1">...</div>
<div id="section-2">...</div>
<div id="section-3">...</div>