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Message Specifications

Robert Christensen edited this page Mar 6, 2014 · 3 revisions

These are specifications of how cmdr-server communicates with cmdr and vice-versa.

Server -> Browser


  • Get the list of buildings, rooms, devices, drivers

Controller changes

  • New controller detected
  • Controller went away
  • Controller error

Device changes

  • Device state changed
  • Device error

Browser -> Server


  • Get the state of some device variable
  • Set the state of some device variable


  • Get configuration
  • Set configuration
  • Restart daemon


Messages in general should be JSON documents that look something like this:

  "id": "DD2297B4-6982-4804-976A-AEA868564DF3",
  "type": "state_get",
  "room": "D62F993B-E036-417C-948B-FEA389480984",
  "device": "D62F993B-E036-417C-948B-FEA389481512",
  "var": "power"

The id and type fields should appear in every message. id is simply a GUID that uniquely identifies a request/reply. If the client sends a request to the server using a particular id, the server will reply with a message using the same id. type identifies the kind of message this is. The allowed types are listed below.

Server -> Browser


When a browser connects the server responds with an initialization message, which looks like this:

  "id": "DD2297B4-6982-4804-976A-AEA868564DF3",
  "type": "connection",
  "buildings" : [
      "id": "8404FF80-5C7B-4BFE-BE3C-6DDF6B02C6E9",
      "name": "Allbritton"
  "rooms": [
      "id": "bb8271cd726b8dfc27d10f91d41f32b1",
      "belongs_to": "cc7e9b6fe3e2757deba97d8d83157515",
      "class": "Room",
      "attributes": {
        "projector": "projector",
        "volume": "extron",
        "switcher": "extron",
        "ir_emitter": "dvdplayer",
        "computer": "pc",
        "name": "004",
        "mac": "00:01:2e:bc:1a:94",
        "ports": [
  "devices": [
      "id": "7F9E3A55-3219-4D76-AF7C-E5632C09D7A4",
      "class": "Computer",
      "name": "pc",
      "belongs_to": "bb8271cd726b8dfc27d10f91d41f32b1",
      "controller": null,
      "device": true,
      "attributes": {
        "state_vars": {
          "reachable": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "editable": false,
            "display_order": 1,
            "state": true
      "config": {
        "ip_address": "ozymandias.class",
        "mac_address": "00:19:B9:2D:93:B6"
      "commands": {
        "start": {
          "action": "#<Proc:0x00000003206928@/var/roomtrol-daemon/lib/roomtrol/devices/Computer.rb:41>"
  "drivers": [
      "id": "3f68460e2bddd547d10e1f1f9e7aab9f",
      "name": "ExtronVideoSwitcher",
      "depends_on": "VideoSwitcher",
      "description": "Controls Extron video switchers that support SIS",
      "author": "Micah Wylde",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "driver": true,
      "config": {
        "port": {
          "type": "port"
        "baud": {
          "value": 9600
        "data_bits": {
          "value": 8
        "stop_bits": {
          "value": 1
        "parity": {
          "value": 0
        "message_end": {
          "value": "\r\n"