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Calculators for MLIPs

Wojciech Stark edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 5 revisions

In order to run MD simulation, we have to connect our ML model with the MD infrastructure. This is done through the calculators and depending on a MLIP, there are different types of calculators. The most popular calculators are used within ASE. Many codes enable connecting the MLIP to LAMMPS. In our case, we use ASE calculators that we employ within to run the dynamics. Below, we will show examples of including SchNet and PaiNN calculators into dynamical infrastructure.

Instructions on how to run the MD simulations within the can be found here:


using NQCDynamics
using PyCall
using NQCModels

# Importing Python modules with PyCall
io = pyimport("")
spk_utils = pyimport("schnetpack.utils")
spk_interfaces = pyimport("schnetpack.interfaces")

Function for creating ASE object from SchNet model
function schnet_model_pes(model_path, cur_atoms)
    spk_model = spk_utils.load_model(model_path;map_location="cpu")
    model_args = spk_utils.read_from_json("$(model_path)/args.json")
    environment_provider = spk_utils.script_utils.settings.get_environment_provider(model_args,device="cpu")
    calculator = spk_interfaces.SpkCalculator(spk_model, energy="energy", forces="forces", environment_provider=environment_provider)
    model = AdiabaticASEModel(cur_atoms)

    return model

################### USE MODEL ##################
pes_model_path = "../../../models/schnet/best_model"
atoms_path = "../../../dbs/example_structures/"
ase_atoms =
atoms, positions, cell = NQCDynamics.convert_from_ase_atoms(ase_atoms)

println("Load ML models and initialize the simulation...")
pes_model = schnet_model_pes(pes_model_path, ase_atoms)
sim = Simulation{Classical}(atoms, pes_model, cell=cell)


using NQCDynamics
using PyCall
using NQCModels

# Importing Python modules with PyCall
io = pyimport("")
spk_interfaces = pyimport("schnetpack.interfaces")
spk_transform = pyimport("schnetpack.transform")
torch = pyimport("torch")

Function for creating ASE object from SchNet model
function painn_model_pes(model_path, cur_atoms, cutoff)
    best_model = torch.load(model_path,map_location=torch.device("cpu") ).to("cpu")
    converter = spk_interfaces.AtomsConverter(neighbor_list=spk_transform.ASENeighborList(cutoff=cutoff), dtype=torch.float32)
    calculator = spk_interfaces.SpkCalculator(model=best_model, converter=converter, energy_units="eV", forces_units="eV/Angstrom")
    model = AdiabaticASEModel(cur_atoms)

    return model

################### USE MODEL ##################
pes_model_path = "../../../models/painn/best_inference_model"
atoms_path = "../../../dbs/example_structures/"
ase_atoms =
atoms, positions, cell = NQCDynamics.convert_from_ase_atoms(ase_atoms)
cutoff = 4.0  # Angstrom (units used in model)

println("Load ML models and initialize the simulation...")
pes_model = painn_model_pes(pes_model_path, ase_atoms, cutoff)
sim = Simulation{Classical}(atoms, pes_model, cell=cell)
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