ForestLayer is a scalable, fast deep forest learning library based on Scikit-learn and Ray.
It provides rich data processing, model training, and serving modules to help researchers and engineers build practical deep forest learning workflows.
It internally embedded task parallelization mechanism using Ray, which is a popular flexible, high-performance distributed execution framework proposed by U.C.Berkeley.
ForestLayer aims to enable faster experimentation as possible and reduce the delay from idea to result.
Hope is that ForestLayer can bring you good researches and good products.
You can refer to Deep Forest Paper, Ray Project to find more details.
- [1 Feb] Forest Splitting mechanism are supported. Now ForestLayer can achieve 2.5x speedup to gcForest v1.0 with 8 nodes.
- [10 Jan] You can now use ForestLayer for classification and regression task. And you can use it in your data science algorithm competitions! We recommend using small layer of cascade in regression task since it's easy to overfit the data.
- [8 Jan] You can now use ForestLayer for classification task. See examples
ForestLayer has install prerequisites including scikit-learn, keras, numpy, ray and joblib. For GPU support, CUDA and cuDNN are required, but now we have not support GPU yet. The simplest way to install ForestLayer in your python program is:
[for master version] pip install git+
[for stable version] pip install forestlayer
Alternatively, you can install ForestLayer from the github source:
$ git clone
$ cd forestlayer
$ python install
A deep forest consists of some stacked layers, mainly including a scan layer called multi-grain scan layer and a auto-growing layer called cascade layer.
Multi-grain scan layer scans the input using a sliding window, gets the scan results, then flattens them, the results are thrown into two forests, namely completely random forest and random forest. After train the two forests, the output of them, which represented by an (n x n_class)-shaped tensor, which is the class vector of every example generated by random forests, are concatenated alone one axis to provide an input of next layer.
If the output dimensions (transformed features) of the multi-grain scan layer are too long, sampling or pooling can be performed to reduce the time and space complexity.
An auto-growing cascade layer consists of one or more single cascade layer, which is the basic block of auto-growing cascade layer, every cascade layer usually contains two completely random forests and two random forests, both with 500 trees. Experiment studies show that deep forest is quite robust to hyper-parameter settings.
A cascade layer accepts an input, trains forests on them, and generates the class vectors of every example in every forest to build component of the input of the next layer.
An auto-growing cascade layer contains a cascade of cascade layer, accepts transformed features of the multi-grain scan layer, on where trains a cascade layer, concatenates the class vectors generated by the cascade layer with the origin features (transformed features of multi-grain scan layer) to reduce the risk of overfitting, and combine the concatenated features to build input of next cascade layer. auto-growing means an early stopping is performed when there is no improvement of training metric or testing metric, thus the number of cascade layers is adaptively determined by the algorithm so that the model complexity can also be adaptively determined.
ForestLayer implements completely random forests using Scikit-learn's ExtraTreesClassifier and random forest using Scikit-learn's RandomForestClassifier. Note that ForestLayer not only supports completely random forest and random forest but also supports XGBoost, LightGBM, GradientBoostingDecisionTree, etc. Most importantly, ForestLayer supports both classification and regression tasks, but remember to be careful to use regressors since cascade of regressor layers could easily overfit data.
[1] Deep Forest: Towards An Alternative to Deep Neural Networks, by Zhi-Hua Zhou and Ji Feng. IJCAI 2017
The core data structure of ForestLayer is layers and graph. Layers are basic modules to implement different data processing, and the graph is like a model that organize layers, the basic type of graph is a stacking of layers, and now we only support this type of graph.
Take MNIST classification task as an example.
First, we use the Keras API to load mnist data and do some pre-processing.
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
# TODO: preprocessing...
Next, we construct multi-grain scan windows and estimators every window and then initialize a MultiGrainScanLayer
. The Window class is lies in forestlayer.layers.window
package and the estimators are represented as EstimatorArgument
s, which will be used later in layers to create actual estimator object.
rf1 = ExtraRandomForestConfig(min_samples_leaf=10, max_features='sqrt')
rf2 = RandomForestConfig(min_samples_leaf=10)
windows = [Window(win_x=7, win_y=7, stride_x=2, stride_y=2, pad_x=0, pad_y=0),
Window(11, 11, 2, 2)]
est_for_windows = [[rf1, rf2], [rf1, rf2]]
mgs = MultiGrainScanLayer(windows=windows, est_for_windows=est_for_windows, n_class=10)
After multi-grain scan, we consider that building a pooling layer to reduce the dimension of generated feature vectors, so that reduce the computation and storage complexity and risk of overfiting.
pools = [[MaxPooling(2, 2), MaxPooling(2, 2)],
[MaxPooling(2, 2), MaxPooling(2, 2)]]
pool = PoolingLayer(pools=pools)
And then we add a concat layer to concatenate the output of estimators of the same window.
concatlayer = ConcatLayer()
Then, we construct the cascade part of the model, we use an auto-growing cascade layer to build our deep forest model.
est_configs = [
auto_cascade = AutoGrowingCascadeLayer(est_configs=est_configs, early_stopping_rounds=4,
stop_by_test=True, n_classes=10, distribute=False)
Last, we construct a graph to stack these layers to make them as a complete model.
model = Graph()
You also can call model.summary()
like Keras to see the appearance of the model. Summary info could be like follows table,
Layer Description Param #
MultiGrainScanLayer [win/7x7, win/11x11] params
PoolingLayer [[maxpool/2x2, maxpool/2x2][maxpool/2x2, maxpool/2x2]] params
ConcatLayer ConcatLayer(axis=-1) params
AutoGrowingCascadeLayer maxlayer=0, esrounds=3 params
Each Level:
After building the model, you can fit
the model, and then evaluate
or predict
using the fit model.
Because the model is often very large (dozens of trained forests, every of them occupies hundreds of megabytes), so we highly recommend users to use fit_transform
to train and test data, thus we can make keep_in_mem=False
to avoid the cost of caching model in memory or disk.
# 1, y_train)
model.evaluate(x_test, y_test)
result = model.predict(x_in)
# 2 (recommend)
model.fit_transform(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test)
For more examples and tutorials, you can refer to examples to find more details.
We tested some benchmarks on ForestLayer. Below is the result of UCI Adult example, we ran the example using gcForest v1.0 (from FengJi, original paper), ForestLayer (single machine), ForestLayer standalone and ForestLayer cluster (2 nodes) respectively.
Our machine configuration mainly includes 64GB RAM, Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620 v2 @2.10GHz x86_64 which contains 24 CPU virtual cores, and 1Gbits network bandwidth.
Note that the models of all experiments contain the same structures, and have a single auto-growing cascade layer (in gcForest v1.0, it's called cascade_classifier), and every layer contains 8 random forests (4 completely random forests and 4 random forests with default configs of ForestLayer's EstimatorArgument
Table. 1: Performance on UCI Adult dataset.
conf | test acc | layer-best | avg time of 3 tries |
gcForest v1.0 | 86.143% | 6-1 | 647s |
ForestLayer | 86.143% | 6-1 | 646s |
ForestLayer Standalone | 86.143% | 6-1 | 279s |
ForestLayer 2 nodes | 86.143% | 6-1 | 190s |
ForestLayer 4 nodes | 86.143% | 6-1 | 149s |
ForestLayer 8 nodes | 86.143% | 6-1 | 116s |
ForestLayer 8 nodes Split | 86.143% | 6-1 | 91s |
Figure 1. MNIST performance. (2.5x) Fig. 2 MNIST performance details of layers. (2.5x)
Fig. 3 UCI Adult performance. (7.1x) Fig. 4 IMDB performance. (2.1x)
Fig. 5 UCI Letter performance. (7.8x)
From the first 2 lines of the table, we can conclude that ForestLayer has no loss of training speed of gcForest v1.0, but possess much simpler user-friendly API instead of configuring the model structure in the model json file.
And from all of the lines of the table, we can see, even in the Standalone mode, ForestLayer is 2.3x faster than single machine implementation. In cluster mode with 8 nodes, we obtain 5.6x speedup, which drastically accelerates the research and engineering procedure. With more nodes, the speedup will be so much better. After we add splitting feature, we achieve 7.1x speedup compared to gcForest v1.0 or ForestLayer single machine version.
More benchmarks and performance evaluations will be given later.
See examples.
ForestLayer has some design principles to guide our design and implementation.
- Easy Deployment. ForestLayer is composed of layers and forest estimators. The layers include multi-grain scan layer, pooling layer and auto-growing cascade layer, etc. Forest estimators include random forest family, gradient-boosting tree family, we consider adding more estimators later. With these simple layer and estimators, you can feel free to build your model, then deploy it to the production environment, make it for data science competitions, or for other purposes rapidly.
- High-speed. ForestLayer has been endowed powerful model parallel capabilities by using Ray, an emerging flexible and high-performance distributed execution framework based on dynamic computation graph. Through the embedded ray, ForestLayer supports rapid scheduling and extremely high parallelism. So with the high degree of parallelism, practitioners can get the result several times faster than before.
- Scalability. ForestLayer achieves high scalability through effective task dispatching and relative balanced load, practitioners can add more machines(nodes) or use better equipment to gain higher efficiency, so that getting feedback of your idea more quickly.
- Modularity. In ForestLayer, a model, or a graph is composed of a sequence of standalone, fully-configurable modules, which is called layers, that can be combined together with as little restrictions as possible. Since we told above, multi-grain scan layers, pooling layers, concat layers and two kinds of cascade layers are all standalone modules that practitioners can plug together to build a custom-made model.
- User Friendliness. Last but not least, ForestLayer follows the Keras' interfaces, Keras is a high-level neural networks API that is very simple to use and user-friendly and has a large number of users all over the world. With the Keras-like API, practitioners can easily build the deep forest model according to your knowledge, with minimum learning cost.
ForestLayer is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
- More layers, including lambda layer.
- Add model save and load mechanism
- Load balancing
- Forest splitting
- model.summary()
- Distributed training
- Add data save and load mechanism
- Benchmarks
- Documents
- Different input data load and management
- Regression task support
- Add XGBoost classifier support