SQLite-backed implementation of the go-whosonfirst-spatial interfaces.
This is work in progress. It may change still. The goal is to have a package that conforms to the database.SpatialDatabase interface using mattn/go-sqlite3 and SQLite's RTree extension.
Documentation is incomplete.
This code depends on (4) tables as indexed by the go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features
- rtree - this table is used to perform point-in-polygon spatial queries.
- spr - this table is used to generate standard place response (SPR) results.
- properties - this table is used to append extra properties (to the SPR response) for
responses. - geojson - this table is used to satisfy the
requirements in thespatial.SpatialDatabase
interface. It is meant to be a simple ID to bytes (or filehandle) lookup rather than a data structure that is parsed or queried.
Here's an example of the creating a compatible SQLite database for all the administative data in Canada using the wof-sqlite-index-features
tool which is part of the go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features-index package:
$> ./bin/wof-sqlite-index-features \
-index-alt-files \
-spatial-tables \
-timings \
-dsn /usr/local/ca-alt.db \
-mode repo:// \
13:09:44.642004 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index rtree (11860) : 30.469010289s
13:09:44.642136 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index geometry (11860) : 5.155172377s
13:09:44.642141 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index properties (11860) : 4.631908497s
13:09:44.642143 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index spr (11860) : 19.160260741s
13:09:44.642146 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index all (11860) : 1m0.000182571s
13:10:44.642848 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index spr (32724) : 39.852608874s
13:10:44.642861 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index rtree (32724) : 57.361318918s
13:10:44.642864 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index geometry (32724) : 10.242155898s
13:10:44.642868 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index properties (32724) : 10.815961878s
13:10:44.642871 [wof-sqlite-index-features] STATUS time to index all (32724) : 2m0.000429956s
And then...
$> ./bin/pip \
-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=/usr/local/data/ca-alt.db' \
-latitude 45.572744 \
-longitude -73.586295
| jq \
| grep wof:id
2020/12/16 13:25:32 Time to point in polygon, 395.201983ms
"wof:id": "85633041",
"wof:id": "85874359",
"wof:id": "1108955735",
"wof:id": "85874359",
"wof:id": "85633041",
"wof:id": "890458661",
"wof:id": "136251273",
"wof:id": "136251273",
"wof:id": "85633041",
"wof:id": "136251273",
"wof:id": "85633041",
TBW: Indexing tables on start-up.
package main
import (
_ "github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-sqlite"
func main() {
database_uri := "sqlite://?dsn=whosonfirst.db"
properties_uri := "sqlite://?dsn=whosonfirst.db"
latitude := 37.616951
longitude := -122.383747
props := []string{
ctx := context.Background()
db, _ := database.NewSpatialDatabase(ctx, *database_uri)
pr, _ := properties.NewPropertiesReader(ctx, *properties_uri)
c, _ := geo.NewCoordinate(*longitude, *latitude)
f, _ := filter.NewSPRFilter()
r, _ := db.PointInPolygon(ctx, c, f)
r, _ = pr.PropertiesResponseResultsWithStandardPlacesResults(ctx, r, props)
enc, _ := json.Marshal(r)
Error handling removed for the sake of brevity.
To be written
$> ./bin/pip -h
-alternate-geometry value
One or more alternate geometry labels (wof:alt_label) values to filter results by.
-cessation-date string
A valid EDTF date string.
-custom-placetypes string
A JSON-encoded string containing custom placetypes defined using the syntax described in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-placetypes repository.
Enable wof:placetype values that are not explicitly defined in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-placetypes repository.
-geometries string
Valid options are: all, alt, default. (default "all")
-inception-date string
A valid EDTF date string.
-is-ceased value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-is-current value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-is-deprecated value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-is-superseded value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-is-superseding value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
Input data is WOF-flavoured GeoJSON. (Pass a value of '0' or 'false' if you need to index non-WOF documents. (default true)
-latitude float
A valid latitude.
-longitude float
A valid longitude.
-placetype value
One or more place types to filter results by.
-properties-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader.Reader URI. Available options are: [file:// fs:// null://]
-property value
One or more Who's On First properties to append to each result.
-spatial-database-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial/data.SpatialDatabase URI. options are: [sqlite://]
Be chatty.
For example:
$> ./bin/pip \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=/usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture.db' \
-latitude 37.616951 \
-longitude -122.383747 \
-properties 'wof:hierarchy' \
-properties 'sfomuseum:*' \
| jq
"properties": [
"mz:is_ceased": 1,
"mz:is_current": 0,
"mz:is_deprecated": 0,
"mz:is_superseded": 1,
"mz:is_superseding": 1,
"mz:latitude": 37.617475,
"mz:longitude": -122.383371,
"mz:max_latitude": 37.61950174060331,
"mz:max_longitude": -122.38139655218178,
"mz:min_latitude": 37.61615511156664,
"mz:min_longitude": -122.3853565208227,
"mz:uri": "https://data.whosonfirst.org/115/939/616/5/1159396165.geojson",
"sfomuseum:is_sfo": 1,
"sfomuseum:placetype": "terminal",
"sfomuseum:terminal_id": "CENTRAL",
"wof:country": "US",
"wof:hierarchy": [
"building_id": 1159396339,
"campus_id": 102527513,
"continent_id": 102191575,
"country_id": 85633793,
"county_id": 102087579,
"locality_id": 85922583,
"neighbourhood_id": -1,
"region_id": 85688637,
"wing_id": 1159396165
"wof:id": 1159396165,
"wof:lastmodified": 1547232162,
"wof:name": "Central Terminal",
"wof:parent_id": 1159396339,
"wof:path": "115/939/616/5/1159396165.geojson",
"wof:placetype": "wing",
"wof:repo": "sfomuseum-data-architecture",
"wof:superseded_by": [
"wof:supersedes": [
... and so on
It is possible to filter results by one or more existential flags (-is-current
, -is-ceased
, -is-deprecated
, -is-superseded
, -is-superseding
). For example, this query for a point at SFO airport returns 24 possible candidates:
$> ./bin/pip \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=/usr/local/data/sfom-arch.db' \
-latitude 37.616951 \
-longitude -122.383747
| jq | grep wof:id | wc -l
2020/12/17 17:01:16 Time to point in polygon, 38.131108ms
But when filtered using the -is-current 1
flag there is only a single result:
> ./bin/pip \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=/usr/local/data/sfom-arch.db' \
-latitude 37.616951 \
-longitude -122.383747 \
-is-current 1
| jq
2020/12/17 17:00:11 Time to point in polygon, 46.401411ms
"places": [
"wof:id": "1477855655",
"wof:parent_id": "1477855607",
"wof:name": "Terminal 2 Main Hall",
"wof:country": "US",
"wof:placetype": "concourse",
"mz:latitude": 37.617044,
"mz:longitude": -122.383533,
"mz:min_latitude": 37.61569458544746,
"mz:min_longitude": 37.617044,
"mz:max_latitude": -122.3849257355292,
"mz:max_longitude": -122.38294919235318,
"mz:is_current": 1,
"mz:is_deprecated": 0,
"mz:is_ceased": 1,
"mz:is_superseded": 0,
"mz:is_superseding": 1,
"wof:path": "147/785/565/5/1477855655.geojson",
"wof:repo": "sfomuseum-data-architecture",
"wof:lastmodified": 1569430965
You can also filter results to one or more specific alternate geometry labels. For example here are the quattroshapes
and whosonfirst-reversegeo
geometries for a point in the city of Montreal, using a SQLite database created from the whosonfirst-data-admin-ca
$> ./bin/pip \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=/usr/local/data/ca-alt.db' \
-latitude 45.572744 \
-longitude -73.586295 \
-alternate-geometry quattroshapes \
-alternate-geometry whosonfirst-reversegeo
| jq | grep wof:name
2020/12/17 16:52:08 Time to point in polygon, 419.727612ms
"wof:name": "136251273 alt geometry (quattroshapes)",
"wof:name": "85633041 alt geometry (whosonfirst-reversegeo)",
"wof:name": "85874359 alt geometry (quattroshapes)",
Note: These examples assumes a database that was previously indexed using the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features wof-sqlite-index-features
tool. For example:
$> ./bin/wof-sqlite-index-features \
-rtree \
-spr \
-properties \
-dsn /tmp/test.db
-mode repo:// \
The exclude alternate geometries from query results pass the -geometries default
$> ./bin/pip \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=/usr/local/data/ca-alt.db' \
-latitude 45.572744 \
-longitude -73.586295 \
-geometries default
| jq | grep wof:name
2020/12/17 17:07:31 Time to point in polygon, 405.430776ms
"wof:name": "Canada",
"wof:name": "Saint-Leonard",
"wof:name": "Quartier Port-Maurice",
"wof:name": "Montreal",
"wof:name": "Quebec",
To limit query results to only alternate geometries pass the -geometries alternate
$> ./bin/pip \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=/usr/local/data/ca-alt.db' \
-latitude 45.572744 \
-longitude -73.586295 \
-geometries alternate
2020/12/17 17:07:39 Time to point in polygon, 366.347365ms
"wof:name": "85874359 alt geometry (quattroshapes)",
"wof:name": "85633041 alt geometry (naturalearth)",
"wof:name": "85633041 alt geometry (naturalearth-display-terrestrial-zoom6)",
"wof:name": "136251273 alt geometry (whosonfirst)",
"wof:name": "136251273 alt geometry (quattroshapes)",
"wof:name": "85633041 alt geometry (whosonfirst-reversegeo)",
Support for remotely-hosted SQLite databases is available. For example:
$> go run -mod vendor cmd/pip/main.go \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=http://localhost:8080/sfomuseum-architecture.db' \
-latitude 37.616951 \
-longitude -122.383747 \
-is-current 1 \
| json_pp | grep "wof:name"
"wof:name" : "Terminal Two Arrivals",
"wof:name" : "Terminal 2",
"wof:name" : "SFO Terminal Complex",
"wof:name" : "Terminal 2 Main Hall",
"wof:name" : "SFO Terminal Complex",
Big thanks to @psanford 's sqlitevfshttp package for making this possible.
> ./bin/http-server -h
-authenticator-uri string
A valid sfomuseum/go-http-auth URI. (default "null://")
Allow HTTP credentials to be included in CORS requests.
-cors-origin value
One or more hosts to allow CORS requests from; may be a comma-separated list.
-custom-placetypes string
A JSON-encoded string containing custom placetypes defined using the syntax described in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-placetypes repository.
Enable CORS headers for data-related and API handlers.
Enable wof:placetype values that are not explicitly defined in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-placetypes repository.
Enable GeoJSON output for point-in-polygon API calls.
Enable gzip-encoding for data-related and API handlers.
Enable the interactive /debug endpoint to query points and display results.
Input data is WOF-flavoured GeoJSON. (Pass a value of '0' or 'false' if you need to index non-WOF documents. (default true)
-iterator-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/v2 URI. Supported schemes are: directory://, featurecollection://, file://, filelist://, geojsonl://, null://, repo://. (default "repo://")
-leaflet-initial-latitude float
The initial latitude for map views to use. (default 37.616906)
-leaflet-initial-longitude float
The initial longitude for map views to use. (default -122.386665)
-leaflet-initial-zoom int
The initial zoom level for map views to use. (default 14)
-leaflet-max-bounds string
An optional comma-separated bounding box ({MINX},{MINY},{MAXX},{MAXY}) to set the boundary for map views.
Emit timing metrics to the application's logger
-map-provider-uri string
A valid aaronland/go-http-maps/provider URI. (default "leaflet://?leaflet-tile-url=https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png")
-path-api string
The root URL for all API handlers (default "/api")
-path-data string
The URL for data (GeoJSON) handler (default "/data")
-path-ping string
The URL for the ping (health check) handler (default "/health/ping")
-path-pip string
The URL for the point in polygon web handler (default "/point-in-polygon")
-path-prefix string
Prepend this prefix to all assets (but not HTTP handlers). This is mostly for API Gateway integrations.
-properties-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader.Reader URI. Available options are: [fs:// null:// repo:// sqlite:// stdin://]. If the value is {spatial-database-uri} then the value of the '-spatial-database-uri' implements the reader.Reader interface and will be used.
-server-uri string
A valid aaronland/go-http-server URI. (default "http://localhost:8080")
-spatial-database-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial/data.SpatialDatabase URI. options are: [rtree:// sqlite://] (default "rtree://")
For example:
$> bin/http-server \
-enable-www \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite:///?dsn=modernc:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture.db'
A couple things to note:
- The SQLite databases specified in the
string are expected to minimally contain thertree
tables confirming to the schemas defined in the go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features. They are typically produced by the go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features-index package. See the documentation in the go-whosonfirst-spatial-sqlite package for details.
When you visit http://localhost:8080
in your web browser you should see something like this:
If you don't need, or want, to expose a user-facing interface simply remove the -enable-www
and -nextzen-apikey
flags. For example:
$> bin/http-server \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite:///?dsn=modernc:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture.db'
And then to query the point-in-polygon API you would do something like this:
$> curl -X POST -s 'http://localhost:8080/api/point-in-polygon' -d '{"latitude":37.61701894316063, "longitude":-122.3866653442383}'
"places": [
"wof:id": 1360665043,
"wof:parent_id": -1,
"wof:name": "Central Parking Garage",
"wof:placetype": "wing",
"wof:country": "US",
"wof:repo": "sfomuseum-data-architecture",
"wof:path": "136/066/504/3/1360665043.geojson",
"wof:superseded_by": [],
"wof:supersedes": [
"mz:uri": "https://data.whosonfirst.org/136/066/504/3/1360665043.geojson",
"mz:latitude": 37.616332,
"mz:longitude": -122.386047,
"mz:min_latitude": 37.61498599208708,
"mz:min_longitude": -122.38779093748578,
"mz:max_latitude": 37.61767331604971,
"mz:max_longitude": -122.38429192207244,
"mz:is_current": 0,
"mz:is_ceased": 1,
"mz:is_deprecated": 0,
"mz:is_superseded": 0,
"mz:is_superseding": 1,
"wof:lastmodified": 1547232156
... and so on
By default, results are returned as a list of "standard places response" (SPR) elements. You can also return results as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection
by passing the -enable-geojson
flag to the server and including a format=geojson
query parameter with requests. For example:
$> bin/http-server \
-enable-geojson \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite:///?dsn=modernc:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture.db'
And then:
$> curl -s -XPOST -H 'Accept: application/geo+json' 'http://localhost:8080/api/point-in-polygon' -d '{"latitude":37.61701894316063,"longitude":-122.3866653442383 }'
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": [ ...omitted for the sake of brevity ]
"properties": {
"mz:is_ceased": 1,
"mz:is_current": 0,
"mz:is_deprecated": 0,
"mz:is_superseded": 0,
"mz:is_superseding": 1,
"mz:latitude": 37.616332,
"mz:longitude": -122.386047,
"mz:max_latitude": 37.61767331604971,
"mz:max_longitude": -122.38429192207244,
"mz:min_latitude": 37.61498599208708,
"mz:min_longitude": -122.38779093748578,
"mz:uri": "https://data.whosonfirst.org/136/066/504/3/1360665043.geojson",
"wof:country": "US",
"wof:id": 1360665043,
"wof:lastmodified": 1547232156,
"wof:name": "Central Parking Garage",
"wof:parent_id": -1,
"wof:path": "136/066/504/3/1360665043.geojson",
"wof:placetype": "wing",
"wof:repo": "sfomuseum-data-architecture",
"wof:superseded_by": [],
"wof:supersedes": [
... and so on
$> ./bin/grpc-server -h
-custom-placetypes string
A JSON-encoded string containing custom placetypes defined using the syntax described in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-placetypes repository.
Enable wof:placetype values that are not explicitly defined in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-placetypes repository.
-host string
The host to listen for requests on (default "localhost")
Input data is WOF-flavoured GeoJSON. (Pass a value of '0' or 'false' if you need to index non-WOF documents. (default true)
-iterator-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/v2 URI. Supported schemes are: directory://, featurecollection://, file://, filelist://, geojsonl://, null://, repo://. (default "repo://")
-port int
The port to listen for requests on (default 8082)
-properties-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader.Reader URI. Available options are: [fs:// null:// repo:// sqlite:// stdin://]. If the value is {spatial-database-uri} then the value of the '-spatial-database-uri' implements the reader.Reader interface and will be used.
-spatial-database-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial/data.SpatialDatabase URI. options are: [rtree:// sqlite://] (default "rtree://")
For example:
$> ./bin/grpc-server -spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=modernc:///usr/local/data/arch.db'
2024/07/19 10:52:47 Listening on localhost:8082
And then in another terminal:
$> ./bin/grpc-client -latitude 37.621131 -longitude -122.384292 | jq '.places[]["name"]'
"San Francisco International Airport"
$> ./bin/grpc-client -h
-alternate-geometry value
One or more alternate geometry labels (wof:alt_label) values to filter results by.
-cessation string
A valid EDTF date string.
-geometries string
Valid options are: all, alt, default. (default "all")
-host string
The host of the gRPC server to connect to. (default "localhost")
-inception string
A valid EDTF date string.
-is-ceased value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-is-current value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-is-deprecated value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-is-superseded value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-is-superseding value
One or more existential flags (-1, 0, 1) to filter results by.
-latitude float
A valid latitude.
-longitude float
A valid longitude.
Emit results to /dev/null
-placetype value
One or more place types to filter results by.
-port int
The port of the gRPC server to connect to. (default 8082)
-property value
One or more Who's On First properties to append to each result.
-sort-uri value
Zero or more whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spr/sort URIs.
Emit results to STDOUT (default true)
For example:
$> ./bin/grpc-client -latitude 37.621131 -longitude -122.384292 | jq '.places[]["name"]'
"San Francisco International Airport"
- https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial
- https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-www
- https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-grpc
- https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-sqlite
- https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features
- https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features-index
- https://github.com/whosonfirst/go-reader