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cur Build Status

A language with static dependent-types and dynamic types, type annotations and parentheses, theorem proving and meta-programming.

cur (plural curs)

1. (archaic) A mongrel.
2. (archaic) A detestable person.


Cur is currently under active hackery and is not fit for use for any particular purpose. It is fraught with unreadable code, errors, performance bugs, and hacks that should never have been written by a reasonable human being. These may or may not be fixed shortly.


Cur is in alpha. Version numbers are 0.N, where N increases when an API changes, or a sub-package depends on a new feature (e.g. if cur-test depends on a feature that did not exist in a previous version).

Getting started

Easy mode:

You'll need Racket at least v7.6

Then, install cur via raco pkg install cur. Come ask questions in IRC, #cur on Freenode.

See the docs: raco docs cur. Unfortunately, they're very out of date and I'm working on updating them.

Advanced mode:

Cur is distributed as several packages. cur-lib provides the implementation and all standard libraries. cur-doc provides the documentation. cur-test provides a test suite and examples.

You can install the individual packages from the Racket package server, or from local copies of the files:

> git clone
> cd cur
> pushd cur-lib; raco pkg install; popd
> pushd cur-doc; raco pkg install; popd
> raco test cur-test
... tests passed
> raco test cur-test/cur/tests/stdlib/nat.rkt

Example code

Try it out: open up DrRacket and put the following in the definition area:

#lang cur

;; Write typed code
(define-datatype Nat : Type
  (z : Nat)
  (s : (forall (x : Nat) Nat)))

(define/rec/match + : Nat (m : Nat) -> Nat
  [z => m]
  [(s x) => (s (+ x m))])

(+ (s z) z)

;; Write dependently-typed code

(define-datatype = [A : Type] [a : A] : (forall (b : A) Type)
  (refl : (= A a a)))

(refl Nat (s z))

 (refl Nat (s z))
 (= Nat (+ z (s z)) (s z)))

;; Write some macros and Racket meta-programs over dependently-typed code
  (define (nat->unary n)
    (if (zero? n)
        #`(s #,(nat->unary (sub1 n))))))

(define-syntax (define-numbers syn)
  (syntax-case syn ()
         #,@(for/list ([i (in-range 10)])
              #`(define #,(format-id syn "Nat-~a" i) #,(nat->unary i))))]))

;; (define-numbers) generates the following definitions at macro-expansion time:
 |  (define Nat-0 z)
 |  (define Nat-1 (s z))
 |  (define Nat-2 (s (s z)))
 |  (define Nat-3 (s (s (s z))))
 |  (define Nat-4 (s (s (s (s z)))))
 |  (define Nat-5 (s (s (s (s (s z))))))
 |  (define Nat-6 (s (s (s (s (s (s z)))))))
 |  (define Nat-7 (s (s (s (s (s (s (s z))))))))
 |  (define Nat-8 (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s z)))))))))
 |  (define Nat-9 (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s z))))))))))
 |  (define Nat-10 (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s (s z)))))))))))


;; Of course, you could just define #%datum to do the right thing:
(require (only-in cur [#%datum super.datum]))
(define-syntax (#%datum syn)
  (syntax-parse syn
    [(_ . x:nat)
     (nat->unary (syntax->datum #'x))]
    [(_ . e)
     #`(super.datum e)]))


(refl Nat 1)

 (refl Nat 1)
 (= Nat (+ 0 1) 1))

Going further

See or for some papers on Cur's design and technologies.

Open up cur-tests/cur/tests/ntac/software-fondations to see example from the Software Foundations text book redone in Cur.

Open up anything in cur-lib/cur/stdlib/ to see some standard dependent-type formalisms.


A less devious proof assistant







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