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Language Spec
Larysa Visengeriyeva edited this page Jan 6, 2014
32 revisions
- Constants: 1, +, "sameer"
- Variables: x, y
- Function Applications: f(x)
- Typed Lambda Expressions: \lambda x: T . f x
- Namespaces/Packages: nlp
- Directives: @chain
- Comments: //
Types can be expressions.
- val
- lambda/defun
- memberOf, isA, elemOf, in
- arithematic: +,-,dot,*,/,
- optimization: argmax
- boolean: and, or, neg, =>
- set: union, intersect, size, \
- e_ or 1 or |1 (one-hot vector)
- if-else
- set: List -> Set
- ,: List x T -> List
- ,: T x T -> List[T]
- ,: Set X Set -> Set
- I: Bool -> Double
- filter (or suchthat): TermSet X -> Bool -> TermSet
- min, max, logZ, sample
- map, reduce, filter
- "learn"
- sum, prod
- set_diff
- switch/case
- <=> (or ===)
- <~~~ is same as e()*I()
- conditioning: m | x=x1, w=w1 is same as m(_,x1,w1)
- strings
- ints
- doubles
- bools
- vectors \in Any^\inf
- tuples
- sets
- lists
- symbols
val persons = set('Anna, 'Bob)
val smokes = isa persons -> bools
val cancer = isa persons -> bools
val friends = isa (persons,persons) -> bools
val weights = isa vectors
val f1 = (smokes, cancer) -> sum(persons, p => e('smokingIsBad)*I(smokes(p) |=> cancer(p))))
val f2 = (smokes, friends) -> sum((persons,persons), (p1, p2) => e('peerPressure)*I(friends(p1, p2) |=> (smokes(p1) <=> smokes(p2)))))
val model = (smokes, cancer, friends, weights) -> (f1(smokes,cancer) + f2(smokes,friends)) dot weights
val best = argmax model | weights <- (0.1, 0.3)
persons = set('Anna, 'Bob)
S = persons -> bools
C = persons -> bools
F = (persons, persons) -> bools
param smokes : S
param cancer : C
param friends : F
param weights : vectors
fun pred(p:persons, smokes, cancer) = e('smokingIsBad)*I(smokes(p) |=> cancer(p))
fun f1 = sum (p: persons) => e('smokingIsBad)*I(smokes(p) |=> cancer(p))
fun f1p = sum (p: persons) => pred(p, _, _)
fun f2(smokes, friends) = {
sum (p1: persons, p2: persons) => e('peerPressure)*I(friends(p1, p2) |=> (smokes(p1) <=> smokes(p2)))
fun model = (f1 + f2) dot weights
fun model2(smokes, cancer, friends, weights) = (f1(_, _) + f2(smokes, _)) dot weights
fun conditioned = model | weights <- (0.1, 0.3)
best = argmax conditioned @bruteForceMax
Question: How could we observe a few smokes,cancer etc atoms? Use "so that"?
val persons = set('Anna, 'Bob)
@hidden val smokes = persons ~> boolean
@observed val friends= (persons, persons)~> boolean
def mln={
@weight 1.0
val f1= friends('x, 'y) |=>(smokes('x)<=>smokes('y))
@weight 1.5
val f2= friends('x, 'y)
val best = argmax mln @Weights(0.1, 0.3)
Words = Strings
Chunks = set("O", "B-VP", "B-NP", "B-PP", "I-VP", "I-NP", "I-PP", "B-SBAR", "I-SBAR", "B-ADJP", "I-ADJP")
param word : Seq(Words)
param chunk : Seq(Chunks)
param weights : Vectors
fun bias = sum (i : chunk.domain) => e('bias, chunk(i))
fun emission where chunk.domain == word.domain = sum (i : chunk.domain) => e('emission, chunk(i), word(i))
fun trans = sum (i: 0 .. chunk.length-1) => e('transmission, chunk(i), chunk(i+1))
fun model = (bias + emission + trans) dot weights
Example = Seq(Words),Seq(Chunk)
fun loss(data: Seq[Example],w: Vectors) =
sum (d <- data) => (max model | word=d_1,weights=w) - (model | word=d_1,chunk=d_2,weights=w)
fun loss(data: Seq[Example],w: vectors) =
sum (d <- data) => {
conditioned = model | word=d_1,weights=w
(max conditioned) - conditioned | chunk=d_2
param data: Seq[Example]
fun predict = max(chunk st chunk.domain=word.domain -> model)
fun loss = sum (d <- data) => predict(d_1,_) - model(d_1,d_2,_)
fun learned = argmin(weights -> loss)
fun predictor = predict | weights=learned
-- data type definition
type Person = String
data Observed = Observed {friends:: (Person,Person) -> Bool}
data Hidden = Hidden {smokes::Person -> Bool, cancer::Person -> Bool}
-- data lists
persons = ["Anna","Bob"]
hidden = [Hidden s c | s <- funs(persons,bools), c <- funs(persons,bools)] -- this is the search space
-- model
mln(Observed friends, Hidden smokes cancer, weights) =
let f1 = sum [ feat([1], ind $ not(smokes(p)) || cancer(p)) | p<-persons ]
f2 = sum [ feat([2], ind $ not(friends(p1,p2)) || (smokes(p1) == smokes(p2))) | p1 <- persons, p2 <- persons ]
in dot(f1 + f2,weights)
-- observation
fr ("Anna","Bob") = True
fr _ = False
-- weights
w = M.fromList [([1],2.0)]
-- inference
prediction1 = argmax (\y -> mln(Observed fr, y, w)) hidden
prediction2 = argmax (\y -> mln(Observed fr, y, w)) [Hidden s c | Hidden s c <- hidden, s("Anna"),c("Anna")]
prediction3 = argmax (\y -> mln(Observed fr, y, w)) [y | y <- hidden, smokes(y)("Anna"),cancer(y)("Anna")]
type Person = String
case class Observed(friends: (Person, Person) => Boolean)
case class Hidden(smokes: Person => Boolean, cancer: Person => Boolean)
val persons = Set('Anna, 'Bob)
def mln(friends: Observed, hidden: Hidden, weights: Vector) = {
val smokes = hidden.smokes
val cancer = hidden.cancer
def f1 = sum (persons) { p => feat(1, indicator(smokes(p) -> cancer(p))) }
def f2 = sum (cartesian(persons, persons)) { p =>
friends(p._1, p._2) -> (smokes(p._1) <-> smokes(p._2)) }
(f1 + f2) dot weights
// observation
val f = p => p match {
case ('Anna, 'Bob) => true
case _ => false
val weights = Vector(2.0, 0)
val hidden = for(smokes <- funs(persons, bools);
cancer <- funs(persons, bools))
yield Hidden(smokes, cancer)
val prediction1 = argmax hidden { y => mln(fr, y, weights)}
val prediction2 = argmax (hidden filter {h => h.smokes('Anna) && h.cancer('Anna)}) (y => mln(fr, y, weights))
(define persons (set 'Anna 'Bob))
(define (mln smokes cancer friends weights)
(define f1 (sum persons (λ p (feature 1 (implies (smokes p) (cancer p))))))
(define f2 (sum (cartesian-product (list persons persons))
(λ (p q) (feature 2 (implies (friends p q)
(iff (smokes p) (smokes q)))))))
(dot weights (vector+ f1 f2)))
(define weights (list 2 0))
(define (friends x y)
(if (and (equal? x 'Anna) (equal? y 'Bob)) true
(define all-smokes-cancer-functions
(cartesian-product (funs persons booleans)
(funs persons booleans)))
(define prediction1
(argmax all-smokes-cancer-functions
(λ (smokes cancer) (mln smokes cancer friends weights))))
(define prediction2
(argmax (filter all-smokes-cancer-functions
(λ (f1 f2) (and (f1 'Anna) (f2 'Anna))))
(λ (smokes cancer) (mln smokes cancer friends weights))))
-- Data structures
data Observed = Observed { word :: [String], tag :: [String]}
data Hidden = Hidden { chunk :: [String], ner :: [String] }
-- Search space of hidden variable for a given observation
hidden x = let n = length(word(x)) in [Hidden chunk ner | chunk <- seqs ["VP","NP"] n, ner <- seqs ["PER","ORG"] n ]
-- Model
crf (Observed word tag, Hidden chunk ner, weights) =
let n = length(word)
bias = sum [ ft(1,[chunk !! i],1.0) | i <- [0 .. n] ]
emission = sum [ ft(2,[chunk !! i, word !! i], 1.0) | i <- [0 .. n] ]
trans = sum [ ft(3,[chunk !! i, chunk !! (i + 1)], 1.0) | i <- [0 .. n - 1]]
in dot(bias + emission + trans,weights)
-- Predictor
predict w x = argmax(\y -> crf(x,y,w)) (hidden x)
-- Loss, this is generic and can be re-used!
perceptronLoss trainset model weights space =
sum [(max (\y -> model(x,y,weights)) (space x)) - model(x,g,weights) | (x,g) <- trainset]
-- training function, takes a training set and returns a predictor
train trainset = \x -> predict (argmin (\w -> perceptronLoss trainset crf w hidden) (vectors)) x
case class Observed(words:Seq[String], tags:Seq[String])
case class Hidden(chunks:Seq[String])
def space(x:Observed) = allSeqs(chunkLabels,x.words.length)
def crf(x:Observed, y:Hidden, w:Vector, weights) = {
val n = x.words.size
val f1 = sum { for (i <- 0 until n) yield feat(y.chunk(i)) }
val f2 = sum { for (i <- 0 until n - 1) yield feat(y.chunk(i), y.chunk(i+1)) }
(f1 + f2) dot weights
def loss[X,Y](data:Seq[(X,Y)],model:(X,Y,Vector) => Double,weights:Vector,space:X=>Seq[Y]) = {
sum{ for ((x,g) <- data) yield max(hidden(x)) { y => model(x,y,weights)} - model(x,g,weights) }
def train(data:Seq[(X,Y)]) = argmin(vectors) { w => loss(data,crf,w, space) }
def predict(x:Observed,w:Weights) = argmax(space(x)) { y => crf(x,y,w) }
def predictor(data:Seq[(X,Y)]) = x:Observed => predict(x,train(data))