This kickstart script automates all the boring work of setting up a new personal machine by installing all software I use and pre-configuring (with the help of dotfiles and OSX hacks) otherwise tedious manual settings.
You need admin rights on the machine.
- Download the
and make it executable withchmod +x
- Run
The script kickstarts the machine by installing/configuring:
- Shell (iTerm2 + zsh + oh-my-zsh)
- XCode command-line tools (mostly because of git)
- Generation of new SSH key
- Homebrew (and all software from them on using formulas and casks for a tidy managed system 😍)
- Desktop apps (casks):
- Essential:
google-chrome firefox spectacle atom telegram spotify istat-menus dropbox gimp gifox vlc discord slack
- Dev:
intellij-idea visual-studio-code postgres pgadmin4 postman docker cyberduck
- Utils:
omnidisksweeper dupeguru neofinder
- Hobby:
guitar-pro reaper unity unity-hub
- Essential:
- Shell apps (formulas):
- Essential:
python3 jq z imagemagick icdiff wget
- Dev:
go glide node hub maven awscli bash mono yarn
- Essential:
- Atom packages (
duplicate-removal plist-converter pretty-json sort-lines split-diff
) - Automatic copying of software dotfiles
- Automatic setup of iTerm2 preferences and profiles
- Automatic copying and sourcing of my custom dotfiles
- Automatic setup of iStats Menus 6
Check the script to know exactly what it does.
There are a bunch of steps which were not automatized yet. They are mostly related to OSX settings I'm still figuring out how to change using the CLI (in general it's about changing 'defaults').