Cleans a directory of files older than a period of days.
Location that the cleanup will be done.
Default: E:
The total size in GB that the target file path should be before cleaning is done.
Default: 40
How many days back files should be kept. Any file older will be deleted.
Default: 365
Location of the generated log file.
Default: User's $HOME directory
Run without deleting any files, just show what would be deleted.
##Example: .\cleanup.ps1 -filePath E:\ -limit 40 -days 365 -logFile cleanup.log
Download and save the file cleanup.ps1 to a safe location.
Create a new scheduled task by following the steps here: Schedule a task
When you are at the step to choose a program to run, use the following:
powershell -file "[path to cleanup.ps1]" [options]
###Note: The default values are hard coded to fit my test system but can be modified if necessary in the script.