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Roadmap for Cellery 0.3.0 (Released)

sinthuja edited this page Jul 15, 2019 · 1 revision

Cellery 0.3.0 will be released on the 5th of July 2019. Below are the features that will be included in this release.

1. Auto scaling support

The components within the cell, and the cell instances can be attached to an auto scaling policy. The default for the components can be provided in the build time of the cell, and it should be able to be modified during runtime as well. Further, the runtime policy should be applicable based on a specific cell instance, and all instances of a cell.

2. Scaling to zero with K-native integration

K-native supports to scaling to zero, therefore the users can specify zero as the minimum replica of the component. In order to support this with cellery, K-native also will be integrated, and the with above mentioned auto scaling policy users can specify 0.

3. Cellery hub for hosting cell instances

Cellery hub is the default central repository for the cell images, and it will be a hosted service from WSO2 available for the cellery users. The first version of the cellery hub will be launched with cellery 0.3 release. Users will be able to register with their google or github account, and create an organization to push/pull to this. Also the default cell hub for the cellery CLI will be changed to cellery hub with 0.3 release.

4. Cellery Test

Currently cellery supports build and run functionalities which includes the logic that can be included to build and run a cell. And this feature enables to add a test functionalities for cellery, where the cells function can be tested within the cell (ie, the component interaction) and across multiple cells.

5. Cell update with rolling-update, blue-green and canary update

Once the cells are up and running, the cell and the component should be able to be updated with the new version. For example, there could be a bug fix in a component and hence the cell should be rolling updated with the fix. Further, when there are considerable changes to a cell, and a major version of a cell is released, the cell should be deployed as blue-green or canary update therefore eventually the traffic can be redirected to the new version of the cell.

6. Cellery syntax revamp

There are some new syntax changes for the cell file which provides more readability, and clear difference in the life cycle of a cell. This includes moving the changes related to the declaration of the cell, intra and inter cell communication, component dependencies, and so on.

7. Cellery view with component dependencies

Cellery view command was able to show the inter-cell dependencies, but not the intra-cell dependencies. With this release, we will be improving that, and include the intra cell dependencies and also ingress types supported by the cell.

8. CLI improvements

CLI will be including the below improvements in the 0.3 release. A new command to generate the JWT token to call micro gateway therefore the users will not be required to login to the APIM store. Display the k8s output when setting up or modifying or deleting a cellery installation.

9. Certificate distribution

Trust between cells are bootstrapped through controller distributed certificates. Cellery controller will distribute key pair for each cell which are used for SSL communication in between Secure Token Services. Control plane will trust the root certificate of Cellery runtime which is used to sign certificates distributed throughout cells.