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Wiiitek edited this page May 22, 2017 · 3 revisions

Cookie Modifier

Cookie Modifier allows to modify cookies for a given page, i.e. add or remove some cookies.

Module name: modify-cookie

! Important information
In order to use this modifier it must be declared before the open module in the definition of the test suite XML. When declared after the open module (but before Cookie Collector) it can be used as a filter for Cookie Collector.
Parameter Value Description Mandatory
action add
Specifies what action should be taken with a given cookie yes
cookie-name Cookie name yes
cookie-value Cookie value Yes, if the add action is chosen
cookie-domain Cookie domain attribute value No, used only if the add action is chosen
cookie-path Cookie path attribute value No, used only if the add action is chosen
! Note
If cookie-domain is provided WebDriver will reject cookies unless the Domain attribute specifies a scope for the cookie that includes the origin server. For example, the user agent will accept a cookie with the Domain attribute or from, but the user agent will not accept a cookie with a Domain attribute of or of For more information read here.
! Note
If cookie-path is provided WebDriver will reject cookie unless the path portion of the url matches (or is a subdirectory of) the cookie's Path attribute, where the %x2F (/) character is interpreted as a directory separator.
Example Usage
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<suite name="test-suite" company="cognifide" project="project">
    <test name="cookie-modify-test">
            <modify-cookie action="add" cookie-name="sample-cookie" cookie-value="sample-cookie-value"/>
            <modify-cookie action="remove" cookie-name="another-cookie"/>
            <open />
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