Making HTML reports with charts and tables, from templates, in PowerShell
Still in progress, but here's an example of a report:
$topVM = ps | Sort PrivateMemorySize -Descending |
Select -First 10 |
ForEach { ,@(($_.ProcessName + " " + $_.Id), $_.PrivateMemorySize) }
$topCPU = ps | Sort CPU -Descending |
Select -First 10 |
ForEach { ,@(($_.ProcessName + " " + $_.Id), $_.CPU) }
New-Report -Title "Piggy Processes" -Input {
New-Chart Bar "Top VM Users" -input $topVm
New-Chart Column "Top CPU Overall" -input $topCPU
ps | Select ProcessName, Id, CPU, WorkingSet, *MemorySize | New-Table "All Processes"
} > Report.html